本帖最后由 song0404 于 2013-1-27 15:01 编辑求教各位大神,ansys里面设置模态阻尼比的命令MDAMP到底怎么用呢?帮助文件看了半天也没看明白,比如说我要设置1~10阶阻尼比为0.01,11~20为0.02,应该怎么写呢?跪求!
MDAMP, STLOC, V1, V2,V3, V4, V5, V6
Defines the damping ratios as a function of mode.
TLOC Starting location in table for entering data. For example, if STLOC = 1, data input in the V1 field applies to the first constant in the table. If STLOC= 7, data input in the V1 field applies to the seventh constant in the table, etc. Defaults to the last location filled + 1.
V1,V2,V3, . . . , V6 Data assigned to six locations starting with STLOC.If a value is already in this location, it will be redefined. Blank values for V2to V6leave the corresponding previous value unchanged.
终于搞懂了,原来第一个参数是指定从哪一阶模态开始算起,后面的六个参数是接下来6阶模态的阻尼比,不过这个命令很搞笑啊 ,一次只能指定6阶阻尼比?还有,ansys论坛软软没有升学论坛活跃啊,那边讨论氛围浓烈很多啊