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1. 用quadprog函数实现C-SVC来进行分类
2. 用matlab自带的SVM工具包来实现分类
3. 三类问题的分类方法
1. 用Quadprog实现
- clear all
- % Load the data and select features for classification
- load fisheriris;
- data = meas;
- %Get the size of the data
- N = size(data,1);
- % Extract the Setosa class
- groups_temp = ismember(species,'versicolor');%versicolor,virginica,setosa
- %convert the group to 1 & -1
- groups = 2*groups_temp - ones(N,1);
- indices = crossvalind('Kfold', groups);
- ErrorMin = 1;
- for r=1:1:5
- for C=1:1:5
- ErrorNum = 0;
- for i=1:5
- %Use K-fold to get train data and test data
- test = (indices == i); train = ~test;
- traindata = data(train,:);
- traingroup = groups(train,:);
- trainlength = length(traingroup);
- testdata = data(test,:);
- testgroup = groups(test,:);
- testlength = length(testgroup);
- %Get matrix H of the problem
- kfun = [];
- for i=1:1:trainlength
- for j=1:1:trainlength
- %rbf kernel
- kfun(i,j)=exp(-1/(r^2)*(traindata(i,:)-traindata(j,:))*(traindata(i,:)-traindata(j,:))');
- end
- end
- %count parameters of quadprog function
- H = (traingroup*traingroup').*kfun;
- xstart = zeros(trainlength,1);
- f = -ones(trainlength,1);
- Aeq = traingroup';
- beq = 0;
- lb = zeros(trainlength,1);
- ub = C*ones(trainlength,1);
- [alpha,fval] = quadprog(H,f,[],[],Aeq,beq,lb,ub,xstart);
- %Get one of the non-zero part of vector alpha to count b
- j = 1;
- for i=1:size(alpha)
- if(alpha(i)>(1e-5))
- SvmClass_temper(j,:) = traingroup(i);
- SvmAlpha_temper(j,:) = alpha(i);
- SvmVector_temper(j,:)= traindata(i,:);
- j = j + 1;
- tag = i;
- end
- end
- b=traingroup(tag)-(alpha.*traingroup)'*kfun(:,tag);
- %Use the function to test the test data
- kk = [];
- for i=1:testlength
- for j=1:trainlength
- kk(i,j)=exp(-1/(r^2)*(testdata(i,:)-traindata(j,:))*(testdata(i,:)-traindata(j,:))');
- end
- end
- %then count the function
- f=(alpha.*traingroup)'*kk' + b;
- for i=1:length(f)
- if(f(i)>(1e-5))
- f(i)=1;
- else
- f(i)=-1;
- end
- end
- for i=1:length(f)
- if(testgroup(i)~=f(i))
- ErrorNum = ErrorNum + 1;
- end
- end
- end
- ErrorRate = ErrorNum / N;
- if(ErrorRate<ErrorMin)
- SvmClass = SvmClass_temper;
- SvmAlpha = SvmAlpha_temper;
- SvmVector = SvmVector_temper;
- ErrorMin = ErrorRate;
- CorrectRate = 1 - ErrorRate;
- Coptimal = C;
- Roptimal = r;
- end
- end
- end
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