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发表于 2008-5-18 10:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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转自http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu ... 1/Timers/index.html


Cornell University
BioNB 441
Using Matlab Timers


Matlab 6.5 includes the ability to schedule m-files to run. The scheduling can
be one-shot or repetitive. Scheduling allows (almost) real-time control of
external instruments and recording of electical signals. For instance, it                                               
should be possible to make a software oscilloscope which acquires voltages from
the sound port at regular intervals.


   1. The following program is a simple clock. Every second, the time and date
are updated in a small window. The program uses a very small fraction of the
cpu, and while it is running the command line prompt is active. The figure
CloseRequestfcn is set up to destroy the timer so that when the window is
closed, the timer stops. The timer object is assigned a period, starting delay,
and a call-back string which executes when the timer-object times out.

      set(gcf,'position',[10 50 175 35])
      set(gcf, 'closerequestfcn','stop(t);delete(t);delete(gcf)');
      set(gcf, 'menubar','none')

      axes('position',[0 0 1 1 ]);

      %Build Timer object and turn on timer
      %delay for 1/2 second so rest of setup finishes
      t = timer('period',1.0);
                        'ct = datestr(clock,''mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SS'');',....

   2. This example queries a web site once every 10 minutes and sends mail if
the web site is down. It uses the urlread function to check the web site and
the sendmail function to send the mail. Note that you will need to set the
values of your SMTP server and your mail id on that server using the commands
given in the example. You will also need to supply the mail address of the
recepient to sendmail.

      set(gcf,'position',[10 50 175 35])
      set(gcf, 'closerequestfcn','stop(t);delete(t);delete(gcf)');
      set(gcf, 'menubar','none')


      axes('position',[0 0 1 1 ]);

      %Build Timer object and turn on timer
      %delay for 1/2 second so rest of setup finishes
      t = timer('period',600.0);
                        'ct=''Server Up'';',...
                        'if isempty(s);',...
                              'ct=''Cornell Server Down'';',...
                              'sendmail(''user@otherdomain.com'',''Server Down''

   3. The next example uses a timer to acquire data from the sound port using
the audiorecorder object. The program is written as a function which is called
by the callbacks. The sound is filtered, and the original spectrum and filtered
spectrum are displayed in a figure. The execution of the timer event callback
takes around 0.10 to 0.25 seconds if the cursor is in any Matlab window, but
takes around 0.05 second if the mouse cursor has been clicked outside of any
Matlab window. The getaudiodata function does not always return the number of
samples that you asked for, but it always returns at least the desired number.
The tic and toc commands in the timer callback function were used to determine
the execution time.

      %record and filter as fast as possible
      %using Matlab 6.5 timer and audiorecorder functions

      function audio1(varargin);

      %find out what kind of call it was
      %timer event passes {obj,event,param1,param2}
      switch nargin
          case 0
              fcn = 'setup'; %starting up
          case 1
              fcn = varargin{1}; %quiting
          case 4
              fcn = varargin{3}; %timer event
              error('bad agrument');

      switch fcn
          case 'setup'
              data.myname = mfilename ;

              %sample rate and number of inputs per tirgger
              data.Nin = 1024;
              data.Fs = 8192;
              data.tperiod = data.Nin/data.Fs;
              Nchan = 1;
              Nbits = 16;

              %Configure the Filter
              %frequencies a a fraction of the nyquist freq
              [data.b,data.a] = butter(filterlength,[locut,hicut]);

              %plot the filter freq response
              [fresponse, ffreq] = freqz(data.b,data.a,1000);
              ylabel('filter response')
              axis([0 data.Fs/2 0 2]);

              % Input Object Configuration.
              % Create an analog input object with one channel.
              data.rec = audiorecorder(data.Fs, Nbits, Nchan);
              % Start the analog input object.
              %and get the first sample of music
              data.music = getaudiodata(data.rec);
              data.filteredmusic = filter(data.b, data.a, data.music);

              %Build Timer object and turn on timer
              %delay for 1/2 second so rest of setup finishes
              data.t = timer('timerFcn',{data.myname,'timer',gcf},...

              %plot of spectrum of filtered signal
              set(gca,'ylim',[0 .001]);
              xlabel('frequency'); ylabel('filtered amp');

              %plot of spectrum of raw signal
              set(gca,'ylim',[0 .001]);
              xlabel('frequency'); ylabel('music amp');

              %new start the next data aqusition
              %after this, the timer routine starts data

              %one gui element to stop the music
                  'Position',[0 0 45 25],...
                  'callback', [data.myname,' quit']);


          case 'quit'
              %stop everything and delete it

          case 'timer'

              %get data from recording started last time
              while isrecording(data.rec)
              data.music = getaudiodata(data.rec);
              data.music = data.music(1:data.Nin);

              % Start recording new data.

              % compute the spectrum and display it
              spect = periodogram(data.music,[],[],data.Fs);
              %filter it , compute the spectrum and display
              data.filteredmusic = filter(data.b,data.a,data.music) ;






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发表于 2008-5-21 09:12 | 显示全部楼层
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