回复 8 # kangarooli 的帖子
A system may have more than one Lyapunov exponent. Then, to detect the onset of chaos, only the largest exponent λmax needs to be calculated [Wolf et al.1985]. If λmax < 0, the disturbed trajectory is attracted eventually to a stable periodic orbit. In the limit λmax→1, the system is said to be super-stable, i.e. no disturbance of any magnitude can permanently displace the oscillations. By contrast, λmax > 0 denotes an unstable and chaotic trajectory, which is the subject of the present investigation. The intermediate situation of λmax = 0 signifies a neutrally stable orbit. In the present context this means the disturbed oscillations and the original deterministic oscillations stay apart by a constant mean distance for an indefinite duration until perturbed again. Such a system is said to be Lyapunov stable. |