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[其他相关] 《电磁与引力的统一场理论》一书简介

发表于 2005-7-2 23:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 VibInfo 于 2016-4-15 14:04 编辑







  第二章 建立模型——建立统一场方程,并从这个统一场方程很自然地分解出Maxwell方程组和Einstein引力场方程。虽然在统一场方程中加入Lorentz力成份的理由有点儿单薄,但从该方程所得到的以后各章的一些有益的结果足以证明,加进Lorentz力成份不仅没有错,而且还是非常必要的。

  第三章 利用统一场方程不仅导出物质的运动方程,而且还得到了统一场的时空度规和球对称电磁度规。

  第四章 说明一个绕核运动的电子具有角动量不守恒、“轨道”进动和电磁度规对运动粒子的影响。这与经典理论具有相同的结果。这也足以证明该理论的正确性。

  第五章 利用统一场理论,从全新的角度重新探讨了光的本质问题,也得到了引力波与电磁波之间根本没有什么区别,而是具有相同效果的合波的结论。也考虑到了引力的量子化问题。并讨论了电子频移。

  第六章 从统一场度规出发,得到了比较准确的Hubble定律,也得到了Klein—Gordon方程,同时,也解释了为什么在氢原子能级间存在着跃迁,而太阳系中行星之间没有“跃迁”的存在问题。这些在一定程度上已经证明了“应该从一个经典的、统一的场理论和那个理论的需要出发,它要求量子的法则应该作为它本身的约束而出现”(引自《“上帝难以捉摸……”——爱因斯坦的科学与生活》一书,P.539.)的事实。

第七章 利用统一场方程研究了行星的固有磁场,也得到了行星内部物质运动所应满足的磁感应方程。同时,也为行星物理学中的行星固有磁场问题找到了理论基础。






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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-2 23:51 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 VibInfo 于 2016-4-15 14:23 编辑

Introduction of《The unified field theory for electromagnetism and gravitation》

  The book be writed by Sheng Lieh Hung, be published by Yanbian people publishers, a latest research article gathers for electromagnetism field and gravitation field unifying theory.

  This book is divided into totally seven chapter, among them each chapter is all for independent research articles.

  Chapter 1. Analyze with the philosophic standpoint with the overview before this each period, every kind of effort of many physicists at unified field theory, then derivation unifying of this book inside thought.

  From chapter 2 beginning, with the special research thought and the method in theories physics to put forward six research articles.

 Chapter 2. Establish the model——establish unified field equation, from the unified field equation to resolve very naturally to Maxwell’s set and Einstein’s gravitational field equation. Although at unified field equation a trifle son in a reason for joining Lorentz’s force composition in the equation weak, but from that equation income to of hereafter each of some beneficial result good enough to proof add into the Lorentz’s force composition to not only has no mistake and still very necessary.

  Chapter 3. Make use of the unified field equation not only deduce the motional equation for matter, but also still have get the spacetime metric of the unified field and spherically symmetry electromagnetic metric.

  Chapter 4. An electron that it revolves around atomic nucleus has non-conservation of angular momentum and precession of “the orbit”, and the particle in motion is affected by the electromagnetic metric. It enough proof that theoretical accuracy.

  Chapter 5. Make use of the unified field theory, have discussed a problem in essentiality of light from the all new angle, final, have arrived a conclusion that light is made up of the composite waves. At the same time it considered the problem that the quantum of the gravitation, and discussed a problem for electron of the frequency deviation.

  Chapter 6. From the unified field metric set out, got the accurate the Hubble’s laws, also got Gordon-Klein’s equation, at the same time, explained to exsits between the hydrogen atomic energy levels why the level-crossing, but a problem of esse for having no "the level-crossing" in the solar system between the planet. These are already proof "should from a classic of, the unified a theory sets out with that theoretical demand on the certain degree, it request the stipulation that the rule of the quantum should be used as it oneself but the fact that appear" (lead from《" the God is hard to catch to touch ……"—— Einstein's science and life》, P.539.).

  Chapter 7. Make use of the unified field equation studied intrinsic magnetic field for planets, got that the magnetic induction equation is satisfied with the motion of planetary inside matter. At the same time, also found out the theories foundation for the intrinsic magnetic field in planet in the planet physics.

  This book has no adduction to consults many references, and using consulting references all for usual science references book or textbooks, combining from the most widespread suitable for physics theories sets out. This give us a kind of having the very solid theories foundation.

  This book can be provided to consults for the researcher in general relativity and the planet physics, especially and perhaps it can offering more beneficial convenience for researcher of the proceeding the unified field theory.

  The each volume in this book price is 25.00 dollars.


 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-2 23:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 VibInfo 于 2016-4-15 14:24 编辑



第一章 关于电磁与引力统一的哲学思想










第二章 统一场论模型








第三章 物质的运动方程与弱场近似下的统一场论的时空度规










第四章 利用球对称电磁度规得到的一些结果










第五章 关于光的本质的启发性的观点及电子频移












第六章 利用统一场论及球对称度规对空间物理结构的考察












第七章 关于行星固有磁场的初步探讨









 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-2 23:52 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 VibInfo 于 2016-4-15 14:26 编辑


Ⅰ. On philosophical thinking of the unified electromagnetism and gravitation

1. Thinking of the unified field theory for Einstein and other physicists

2. Making use of quantum method, can we build the unified field

3. The unified thinking for electromagnetism and gravitation


Ⅱ. Model of the unified field theory

1. Making use of Hamilton’s principle, the field equation are given

2. Conservation of energy-momentum and physical significance of equation (7)


Ⅲ. The motional equation of matter and spacetime metric of the unified field theory under approximation to weak field

1. The motional equation of matter is derived from the unified field equation

2. Under linear approximation to weak field and Newton’s approximation conditions, the metric of the unified field theory are explored

3. Spacetime metric of spherically symmetric unified field


Ⅳ. Making use of spherically symmetric the electromagnetic metric, have arrived at some conclusion

1. The motional equation of a charged particle in spherically symmetric electromagnetic field

2. An electron in revolving round nucleus exists the precession of the orbit

3. The particles in motion are affected by the electromagnetic metric


Ⅴ. On the enlightened viewpoint for essentiality of light, and electronic frequency deviation

1. Under approximation to weak field, basic nature for the waves of the unified field

2. A rediscussion problem for essentiality of light

3. An electron in motion (“propagation”) is affected by the electromagnetic field in hydrogen atomic nucleus, exists the problem in the frequency deviation

4. Summarize briefly


Ⅵ. Making use of the unified field theory and the spherically symmetric metric, space physical structure are explored
1. On making use of the unified field theory, explain Hubble’s law

2. On making use of quantum, exploration the waves of the unified field

3. Making use of the causality, explain that level-crossing are existed hydrogen atom between energy levels

4. Summarize briefly


Ⅶ. On preliminary exploration the intrinsic magnetic field for planets

1. Buildup equation

2. Physics significance of the equation (7.12) and the magnetic induction equation for planets

3. Summarize briefly


发表于 2005-7-3 15:49 | 显示全部楼层


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