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[声学测量] 【转帖】噪声实验及分析厂商介绍

发表于 2005-12-15 11:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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1. The B & K Story http://www.bkcomp.com

B& K began in 1981 with a simple philosophy: Make great soundingaudio components and keep prices low. Critics took notice, and ravereviews have followed the introduction of every new product. Today, B& K is one of the premier manufacturers of high end audio and hometheater components. We're proud to say that everything we make isdesigned, engineered and manufactured at our Buffalo, New Yorkfacility. But there's more to B & K than superior sound atreasonable prices. We believe in creating products that are simple touse today and upgradable tomorrow. Because, in the end, our goal is tocreate friendships and long term relationships with our customers andour dealers. Once you buy B & K, you'll never need to own any otherbrand. We want to earn your loyalty. It's that simple.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-15 11:27 | 显示全部楼层


2.挪威Norsonic公司 http://www.norsonic.com/

Noise affects all our lives......but the problems can be solved only if we accurately measure the noise.

Startingwith an order to the Anglo-French supersonic Concorde project, we havefor more than 33 years used our technical expertise to develop soundinstrumentation of high precision and quality. Combining advancedtechnology and user-friendliness, we focus on the user and applicationsrather than on the complexity of the instrument.

Our closerelationship with our main clients and distributors in more than 20countries throughout the world, ensures contact with users and thedevelopment of products in parallel with the emerging needs for them.

Basedon our "all-in-one" philosophy, we develop complete solutions which canbe compared to portable laboratories. This means that the user can makemeasurements, analyse the data and print out the results on-site.

Ourretrofit policy is a fundamental part of our business concept. Most ofour instruments are of modular design. If new standards or newtechnology call for an update of the instrument this can easily becarried out by the factory or one of our local service centres. Hence,early customers have an instrument as modern as our newest customers.

Theamount of concern for noise abatement and acoustics vary around theworld, based on health and environmental concerns, governemtregulations and citizen demand. We are encouraged to see that the needfor high quality acoustical instrumentation is growing and the resultswill mean a quieter and more enjoyable world
 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-15 11:28 | 显示全部楼层


3.丹麦GRAS公司 http://www.gras.dk/

G.R.A.S.Sound & Vibration was founded in 1994 by Gunnar Rasmussen and is a100% privately owned company. The company is located in Vedbaek,Denmark, 20 km north of Copenhagen and produces acoustic front-endproducts such as microphones, preamplifiers and signal conditioningdevices. Gunnar Rasmussen is well known for his numerous contributionsto the development of noise and vibration measurement instrumentation.During more than 40 years in the industry he has developed a number ofkey products such as modern measurement microphones, sound levelmeters, sound intensity probes, delta shear accelerometers and manyothers. He has also worked with precision, free-field and pressurereciprocity calibrations, as well as pistonphone and lasercalibrations.

Product range
G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibrationhas concentrated its development effort and production expertise onAcoustic front-end products. This includes in principle all productsnecessary for the precise and reliable measurement, and recording ofacoustic signals, from the transducer to the input of the A/Dconverter. The main line of instrumentation includes a broad range ofstandard measurement microphones and preamplifiers, all designed andmanufactured in accordance with international standards. This line iscomplemented by a wide range of more specialised transducers andaccessories for more specific applications: Sound intensitymicrophones, artificial ears, ear and mouth simulators, calibrators etc
 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-15 11:28 | 显示全部楼层


4.德国Racal Heim公司 http://www.heim-systems.com/en/history.aspx

Applications of the A-Series, D-Series, GSR-Series and D5000 Series

Forautomotive, industrial and aerospace applications such as NVH, fatiguetesting and telemetry data acquisition systems are required whichprovide high accuracy as well as cost-effective solutions for the user.With the DATaRec® A-Series Heim offers a wide range of modular systemswith direct interfacing to many sensor types available.

Forflight test applications airborne recording systems are required whichguarantee reliable recording and precise data capture. The DATaRec®D-Series with a 3/4 ATR form factor and the D5000 Series with a 1/2 ATRfrom factor offer a range of rugged, airborne systems on a modularbasis which provide interfaces to avionics buses as well as to digitaland analog sources.

The GSR-Series has been developed forapplications in telemetry ground stations and laboratory likeenvironments. It is a 19" rack version of the D-Series and works withthe same signal interface modules as well as with identical storagemedia.

A wide variety of signal conditioning modules includinganalogue, digital and avionics bus interfaces are provided to tailor asystem to specific data acquisition requirements.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-15 11:28 | 显示全部楼层


5LMS 公司: http://www.lmsintl.com/

LMS introduces LMS PolyMAX - 2/9/2004
New Integrated Modal Parameter Estimator Outperforms all Available Estimation Techniques

LMSInternational introduces LMS PolyMAX, the new integrated modalparameter estimator that outperforms all known estimation techniquesavailable on the market today. PolyMAX drastically simplifies theselection of poles, typically the most difficult step in modalanalysis, by offering crystal-clear stabilization diagrams. Theinnovative PolyMAX curve fitter not only allows faster modal analyses,it also introduces a reliable solution to solve problems other modalanalysis techniques were unable to tackle. LMS introduces PolyMAX aftermultiple years of research and validation efforts, in cooperation withthe University of Brussels (VU


Whilethe application range for modal testing and analysis is continuouslyexpanding, the complexity of the tested structures is also increasing.Modal analysis is nowadays intensively used to assess the structuralbehavior of complex structures with high damping, such as a trimmed carbody. The quality of the modal parameter estimation technologies thatwere available so far did not provide satisfying results for thesehighly damped structures. Customer tests on fully trimmed car bodymodels now show that the new LMS PolyMAX poles selection method is mucheasier to use and dramatically faster. In addition, it producesuser-independent results and provides much clearer information on thestructural behavior of the model. The stabilization diagrams PolyMAXgenerates really speak for themselves, as they permit theidentification of a higher number of modes, each with a highly accurateestimation for frequency, damping and mode shape.

Thisinnovation in modal parameter estimation also represents a key enablerin the updating and validation of virtual simulation models. Theinsight provided by the test-based model through LMS PolyMAX delivers afaster, and much more accurate simulation stage earlier in the designcycle.

LMS PolyMax is integrated in the LMS Test.LabStructures suite, a complete solution for modal analysis, combininghigh-speed multichannel data acquisition with a suite of integratedtesting, analysis, and reporting tools. LMS is renowned for its modaltesting experience and scalable solutions, from supporting impacttesting on small structures up to large test campaigns using multipleshakers and hundreds of measurement channels.

揑n an area wheremany critics claim no substantial advances were to be expected, the newLMS PolyMAX method brings a revolutionary modal parameter estimationtechnique that is easy to use, quick to perform, and substantiallyreduces operator-dependant judgment? commented Filip Pintelon CorporateVice-President and General Manager Test Division at LMS. 揥ith PolyMAX,LMS confirms its track record of introducing innovative solutions thatincrease the productivity of test-based engineering and that enablesengineers to analyze ever more complex structures.?/P>

For more information about LMS PolyMAX and to regsiter for a PolyMAX web seminar,

visit www.lmspolymax.com.
发表于 2005-12-17 17:37 | 显示全部楼层
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 0px" align=left><B>北</B><B><FONT color=#0000ff>京声望声电技术有限公司(BSWA)</FONT></B>创建于1998年,<IMG src="http://www.bswa.com.cn/images/BSWA%20Product%20pictures/company-1.gif"></P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%" align=left>是中国科学院声学研究所与新加坡UPHD Technologies</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%" align=left>合资的高新技术企业。公司以声学和环保产品为核心,为客户提供全方位的优质服务。</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">目前公司的业务范围包括:</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">l   声学传感器</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">l   声学与振动测量分析仪器</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">l   消声室的设计和建造</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">l   产品降噪设计和咨询,降噪工程、建筑声学设计和咨询</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">l   机场及环境噪声预测软件和预测咨询</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">l   环境噪声、电磁、粉尘测量仪器</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">技术创新是声望公司追求的目标。声望公司始终关注国际声学领域的前沿技术,利用公司所拥有的国内外声学领域经验丰富、充满创造力的专家以及独特、完备的生产设备和制造工艺,生产出高技术、高品质的声学产品。</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%"> </P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 200%"><IMG src="http://www.bswa.com.cn/images/BSWA%20Product%20pictures/company-2.gif">打开国际、国内市场是声望公司努力的方向。凭借声望产品优越的性价比,我们现已成为世界上能够生产高质量IEC 61672 Class 1型传声器的四个厂家之一,为国外15家企业贴牌生产传声器等声学产品,并在美国、德国、日本、意大利等国家拥有声学产品代理商,同时为国内多家研究机构及企事业单位提供产品及服务。</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 200%">提供全方位的优质服务是声望公司的保证。我们除了随时为客户提供技术咨询及产品售前、售后服务外,还可根据需求,为客户集成包括软、硬件的声学与振动测试系统。</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 200%">持续发展是声望公司的希望,我们将不断努力,用我们的产品和服务满足您的要求,达到共同发展的目的。</P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 200%"> </P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-INDENT: 16px; LINE-HEIGHT: 200%"> </P>
<P 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%"><FONT color=#0000cc size=2>        2004年声望公司与德国Mueller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH公司合资成立了<a href="http://www.muellerbbm-vas.cn/" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>米勒贝姆振动与声学系统(北京)有限公司</STRONG></FONT>。</A> 我们提供的高效率声学振动测量系统可应用于汽车制造厂家、汽车零部件供应厂家、航天航空业、学术与科研机构、日用商品厂家等各个领域。 </FONT></P>
<P><B><FONT color=#0000cc size=2><a href="http://www.bswa.com.cn/PDF/BSWA%20Product%20Brochure-Chinese.pdf" target="_blank" >声望产品目录</A></FONT></B></P>http://www.bswa.com.cn
发表于 2005-12-20 17:32 | 显示全部楼层


美国迪飞(Data Physics Corp.)公司成立于1984年,由原先在HP公司信号分析部的两位科学家创建。公司总部位于美国加州硅谷(San Jose) ,在 英国、法国和德国各有分公司,在中国设有分支机构。<BR>迪飞公司在过去的20年中已经在振动噪声的信号处理领域有了杰出的表现。在原有振动控制仪和信号分析仪的基础上,推出了全系列的电磁振动台,迪飞公司可为振动噪声测试提供一整套解决方案。<BR>美国迪飞公司中国部于1995年成立,分设上海办事处和北京办事处,所有销售和服务员工均由振动领域专业技术人员组成,主要负责亚太地区市场开拓和技术服务,已建立起完善的销售及服务体系。目前在国内已有五百多家用户,分布在航天,航空,电子,船舶,汽车,高校,家电等行业。
发表于 2008-1-3 17:56 | 显示全部楼层


Founded in 1980 as spin-off of the     Institute of Technical Mechanics    at Hannover University, Germany
m+p international headquarters in Hannover
Sales & support subsidiaries in Verona/New   Jersey, Farnham/UK, Montesson/France and   Singapore,China

1980 MAHRENHOLTZ + PARTNER Ingenieurgesellschaft was founded in Hannover by the then director
of the Institute of Technical Mechanics at Hannover University, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. O. Mahrenholtz and his collaborators Dr.-Ing. B. Grabowski and Dr.-Ing. W. Klie. At the beginning business was focused on consulting and computational tasks for mechanical dynamics and applied mechanics. In the following years activities shifted more and more to measurement and process data applications.
1982 A sales partnership with Hewlett-Packard was started.
1986 Development of the first vibration control system running on an HP 1000 workstation.
1989 Introduction of the first vibration control system under UNIX (HP 9000 workstation).
1992 m+p international Mess- und Rechnertechnik GmbH, Hannover, and m+p international, inc., Verona/New Jersey, were started to market the VibControl vibration testing and data acquisition systems throughout the world.
1996 Realization of a monitoring system for product quality and process data in continuous production processes. The system was installed at Aluminium Norf, the largest aluminium roller plant worldwide.
1997 A PC-based control software was introduced. It was the world's first product for environmental vibration test applications that was running under Windows NTTM.
1998 The ACON vehicle canister preconditioning under Windows NTTM was launched.
1999 m+p international (UK) Ltd., Farnham/UK, was started to support our global business efficiently.
2000 MAHRENHOLTZ + PARTNER Ingenieurgesellschaft was merged with m+p international Mess- und Rechnertechnik GmbH into the new m+p international Mess- und Rechnertechnik GmbH. Managing Director, Dr.-Ing. Walter Klie, called the merger an excellent basis on which to expand the growing international business.
2001 Close cooperation with M&M Corporation, Leuven, Belgium. Worldwide sales and marketing of the M&M SmartOffice products for noise and vibration engineers.
2003 m+p international S.A.R.L, Montesson/France, was started to market our products and solutions in Western Europe (France, Spain, Portugal, Benelux).
2004 New office in Singapore and co-operation with several representatives in Asia and Russia.

Automotive & Suppliers

ArvinMeritor, UK, Germany and France &#8226; Autoliv, France and Spain &#8226; Blaupunkt, Germany &#8226; BMW, Germany &#8226; Bosch Automotive, Germany and Italy &#8226; DaimlerChrysler, Germany and USA &#8226; Delphi Automotive, France &#8226; Eaton Automotive, Netherlands &#8226; Faurecia, France &#8226; Ford Motor Company, UK and USA &#8226; Hyundai Motor Company, Korea &#8226; Lamborghini, Italy &#8226; Lotus Cars, UK &#8226; Porsche, Germany &#8226; Pressan, Turkey &#8226; Renault, France &#8226; Saab, Sweden &#8226; Siemens VDO Automotive, Germany &#8226; Volkswagen, Germany &#8226; Volvo, Sweden
Aerospace & Aviation

Airbus, Germany &#8226; Alcatel Space, France &#8226; Boeing, USA &#8226; BUAA, China &#8226; CASA, Spain &#8226; Centre Spatial de Liège, Belgium &#8226; DLR, Germany &#8226; EADS Astrium, Germany and UK &#8226; Goodrich Engine Control Systems, UK &#8226; Hughes Aircraft, USA &#8226; IABG, Germany &#8226; IAI, Israel &#8226; ISRO, India &#8226; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA &#8226; NASA Kennedy Space Center, USA &#8226; Nord-Micro, Germany &#8226; Saab Ericsson Space, Sweden &#8226; SAC, India

Aluminium Norf, Germany &#8226; Amphenol, Germany &#8226; BAE Systems, UK &#8226; Bofors, Sweden &#8226; Fujitsu-Siemens, Germany &#8226; Hewlett-Packard, Germany and USA &#8226; Kodak, USA &#8226; Lockheed Martin, USA &#8226; Matsushita, Germany &#8226; Motorola, Germany &#8226; Northrup Grumman, USA &#8226; Philipps, Belgium &#8226; Siemens, Germany &#8226; Texas Instruments, USA &#8226; Thales, France and Netherlands
Test Houses/R&D

Cape Engineering, UK &#8226; Car Synergies, Germany &#8226; Centrotecnica, Italy &#8226; CIOP, Poland &#8226; Idiada Technology, Spain &#8226; Johns Hopkins University APL, USA &#8226; Mecano ID, France &#8226; MIRA, UK &#8226; RST (Bombardier), Germany &#8226; Telus, Germany &#8226; TUV, UK &#8226; Université St. Etienne, France
发表于 2008-1-3 18:50 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #8 sushi 的帖子

发表于 2008-1-8 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
For the NVH instruments, B&K and LMS nay be the best in the world.
发表于 2008-1-8 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-1-8 14:02 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #10 happyman 的帖子

发表于 2008-1-11 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-1-11 15:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-1-11 15:17 | 显示全部楼层
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