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[混合编程] Matlab--mcc命令大全(Matlab compiler 4.0)

发表于 2005-11-16 13:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 border=2>  <STRONG><STRONG>mcc Quick Reference   </STRONG></STRONG>

<TR><STRONG>Option</STRONG><BR>  <STRONG>Description</STRONG><BR>  <STRONG>Comment/Options</STRONG><BR>  </TR>
<TD>-a <EM>filename</EM><BR> </TD>
<TD>Add filename to the CTF archive<BR> </TD>
<TD>无<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-b<BR> </TD>
<TD>Generate Excel-compatible formula function<BR> </TD>
<TD>Requires MATLAB Builder for Excel<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-B filename[:arg[,arg]]<BR> </TD>
<TD>Replace -B filename on the mcc command line with the contents of filename<BR> </TD>
<TD>The file should contain only mcc command line options. These are MathWorks included options files:<BR>-B csharedlib:foo<FONT size=+0>C shared library<BR></FONT>-B cpplib:fooC++ library<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-c<BR> </TD>
<TD>生成C语言包装函数<BR> </TD>
<TD>Equivalent to <BR>-T codegen<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-d directory<BR> </TD>
<TD>输出到指定目录<BR> </TD>
<TD>无<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-f filename<BR> </TD>
<TD>Use the specified options file, filename, when calling mbuild<BR> </TD>
<TD>mbuild -setup is recommended.<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-g<BR> </TD>
<TD>生成 debugging 信息<BR> </TD>
<TD>无<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-G<BR> </TD>
<TD>同 -g<BR> </TD>
<TD>无<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-I directory<BR> </TD>
<TD>Add directory to search path for M-files<BR> </TD>
<TD>MATLAB path is automatically included when running from MATLAB, but not when running from DOS/UNIX shell.<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>-l<BR> </TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>创建库函数的宏<BR> </TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>等效于命令<BR>-W lib -T link:lib<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>-m<BR> </TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>生成C语言独立运行程序的宏<BR> </TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>等效于命令<BR>-W main -T link:exe<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-M string<BR> </TD>
<TD>传递字符串给 mbuild<BR> </TD>
<TD>Use to define compile-time options.<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-N<BR> </TD>
<TD>Clear the path of all but a minimal, required set of directories<BR> </TD>
<TD>无<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>-o outputfile<BR> </TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>制定最终可执行文件的名字<BR> </TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>Adds appropriate extension<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-P directory<BR> </TD>
<TD>Add directory to compilation path in an order-sensitive context<BR> </TD>
<TD>Requires -N option<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-R <EM>option</EM><BR> </TD>
<TD>Specify run-time options for MCR<BR> </TD>
<TD><EM>option</EM> =<BR>    -nojvm<BR>    -nojit<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-S<BR> </TD>
<TD>Create Singleton MCR<BR> </TD>
<TD>Requires MATLAB Builder for COM<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-T <EM>target</EM><BR> </TD>
<TD>Specify output stage<BR> </TD>
<TD><EM>target</EM> = <STRONG>codegen<BR></STRONG>          compile:<EM>bin<BR></EM>          link:<EM>bin</EM><BR>where <EM>bin</EM> =exe<BR>          lib<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>-v<BR> </TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>显示详细; 显示编译步骤<BR> </TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffff00>无<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-w <EM>option</EM><BR> </TD>
<TD><EM>option</EM> = list<BR>    <EM>level<BR></EM>    <EM>level</EM>:string<BR>where <EM>level</EM> =disable<BR>    enable<BR>    error<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-W <EM>type</EM><BR> </TD>
<TD>Control the generation of function wrappers<BR> </TD>
<TD><EM>type</EM> =    main  <BR>          cpplib:&lt;string&gt;<BR>          lib:&lt;string&gt;<BR>          <STRONG>none<BR></STRONG>    com:compname,clname,version<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-Y licensefile<BR> </TD>
<TD>Use licensefile when checking out a Compiler license<BR> </TD>
<TD>无<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-z path<BR> </TD>
<TD>指定库文件和包含文件的路径<BR> </TD>
<TD>无<BR> </TD></TR>
<TD>-?<BR> </TD>
<TD>显示帮助信息<BR> </TD>

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发表于 2005-11-26 14:58 | 显示全部楼层
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