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发表于 2005-9-26 09:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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/BATCH<BR>!<BR>!<BR>/GRA,POWER<BR>/GST,ON<BR>/filnam,flywheel ! specify jobname<BR>rad1 = 0.010 ! define inside radius (1 cm)<BR>rad2 = 0.050 ! define hub outside radius (5 cm)<BR>rad3 = 0.175 ! define inside radius of rim (17.5 cm)<BR>rad4 = 0.200 ! define outside radius of rim (20 cm)<BR>radf = 0.010 ! define radius of fillet at rim ( 1 cm)<BR>hgt1 = 0.015 ! define 1/2 thickness of hub (1.5 cm)<BR>hgt2 = 0.050 ! define 1/2 thickness of rim (5 cm)<BR>hgt3 = 0.003 ! define 1/2 thickness of disk at rim (0.3 cm)<BR>radm = 0.250 ! define radius of the sand mold (25 cm)<BR>hgtm = 0.100 ! define 1/2 height of the sand mold (10 cm)<BR>hside = 7.50 ! define outside wall film coefficient<BR>htop = 5.75  ! define outside top film coefficient<BR>/prep7   ! enter the preprocessor<BR>/title, Chapter 9 - Phase Change - Sand Casting of a Flywheel   <BR>et,1,plane55,,,1 ! define element type 1, PLANE55, axisymmetric<BR>mp,kxx,1,0.346   ! define thermal conductivity of sand<BR>mp,dens,1,1520   ! define specific heat of sand<BR>mp,c,1,816   ! define specifi heat of sand<BR>mptemp   ! clear the temperature table<BR>mptemp,1,100,200,300,400,530,800 ! define temperature table<BR>mpdata,kxx,2,1,206,215,228,249,268,290  ! define thermal conductivity of Al<BR>mptemp   ! clear the temperature table<BR>mptemp,1,0,695,697,1000  ! define a temperature table<BR>aldens = 2707    ! density of AL<BR>alcs = 896   ! specific heat of solid AL<BR>allat = 395441   ! latent heat of AL<BR>alcl = 1050  ! specific heat of liquid AL<BR>cavg = (alcs+alcl)/2 ! average specific heat<BR>cstar = cavg+allat/(697-695) ! cstar<BR>hs = aldens*alcs*(695-0) ! enthaply of solid AL at melting temp<BR>hl = hs+aldens*cstar*(697-695) ! enthalpy of liquid AL at melting temp<BR>h1 = 0 ! enthalpy at 0 degrees C<BR>h2 = hs  ! enthalpy at 695 degrees C<BR>h3 = hl  ! enthalpy at 697 degrees C<BR>h4 = hl+aldens*alcl*(1000-697)   ! enthalpy at 1000 degrees C <BR>!<BR>mpdata,enth,2,1,h1,h2,h3,h4 ! define material property, enthalpy <BR>mpplot,kxx,2 ! plot KXX versus temperature<BR>mpplot,enth,2    ! plot enthalpy versus temperature<BR>!<BR>k,1,rad1 ! create flywheel geometry<BR>k,2,rad4<BR>k,3,rad4,hgt2   <BR>k,4,rad3,hgt2   <BR>k,5,rad3,hgt3   <BR>k,6,rad2,hgt1   <BR>k,7,rad1,hgt1   <BR>l,2,3<BR>*repeat,5,1,1<BR>l,1,7   <BR>k,8,rad2<BR>k,9,rad3-radf   <BR>l,1,8   <BR>l,8,9   <BR>l,9,2 <BR>

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-26 09:41 | 显示全部楼层


LFILLT,3,4,radf <BR>/pnum,kp,1  <BR>lplot   <BR>/pnum,kp,0  <BR>a,1,8,6,7 ! define areas   <BR>a,8,9,11,6  <BR>a,9,2,10,11 <BR>a,10,2,3,4  <BR>ARSYM,Y,ALL  ! reflect geometry across x axis<BR>nummrg,kp ! merge coincident keypoints   <BR>RECTNG,0,radm,0,hgtm ! create sand mold areas<BR>rectng,0,radm,0,-hgtm   <BR>RECTNG,0,rad1,0,hgt1<BR>RECTNG,0,rad1,0,-hgt1   <BR>RECTNG,rad4,radm,0,hgt2<BR>RECTNG,rad4,radm,0,-hgt2 <BR>RECTNG,0,radm,hgt2,hgtm  <BR>RECTNG,0,radm,-hgtm,-hgt2   <BR>AOVLAP,ALL  <BR>nummrg,kp   ! merge coincident keypoints <BR>numcmp,all   ! compress numbers<BR>/pnum,line,1<BR>lplot   <BR>/pnum,line,0<BR>/pnum,area,1<BR>aplot   <BR>/pnum,area,0<BR>eshape,2 ! specify quad element shapes<BR>esize,rad1/2 ! set element size<BR>mat,2    ! set attributes for AL<BR>real,2  <BR>type,1  <BR>amesh,1,8 ! mesh flywheel areas   <BR>mat,1    ! set attributes for sand<BR>real,1  <BR>type,1  <BR>amesh,10,11 ! mesh the sand areas in the hole of the flywheel <BR>esize,rad1   ! set new element size<BR>amesh,9,12,3 ! mesh areas outside rim<BR>lsel,s,,,2 ! select and concatenate lines for quad meshing  <BR>lsel,a,,,27 <BR>lsel,a,,,36 <BR>lccat,all<BR>lsel,s,,,23<BR>lsel,a,,,35<BR>lsel,a,,,39<BR>lccat,all   <BR>allsel  <BR>!<BR>amesh,13,14 ! mesh remaining areas<BR>eshape,0 ! set element shape for mixed quad/tri<BR>amesh,15,16 ! mesh remaining areas<BR>finish ! exit the preprocessor<BR>! <BR>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-26 09:42 | 显示全部楼层


/solu ! Enter Solution<BR>antype,trans ! specify transient analysis<BR>timint,off ! turn off time integration<BR>time,1e-3 ! use a small value of time for this load step<BR>deltim,1e-3 ! run one substep to initialize temperature<BR>esel,s,mat,,1 ! select sand elements and nodes<BR>nsle,s,1 <BR>d,all,temp,25 ! set initial temperature of sand<BR>esel,s,mat,,2 ! select all aluminum elements and nodes<BR>nsle,s,1<BR>d,all,temp,750 ! set initial temperature of aluminum<BR>lsel,s,loc,x,radm ! select lines on OD for convection loading<BR>sfl,all,conv,hside,,30 ! specify outside wall convection<BR>lsel,s,loc,y,hgtm ! select lines for top convection loading<BR>sfl,all,conv,htop,,30 ! specify top convection load<BR>  
<br><BR>allsel ! select everything <BR>!<BR>solve ! solve<BR>ddele,all,temp ! delete initial temperature specs<BR>timint,on ! turn on time integration<BR>tintp,,,,1 ! specify use EULER bakward diff. integration <BR>lnsrch,on ! turn on linesearch<BR>autots,on ! auto time stepping on<BR>neqit,99 ! limit number of equilibrium iterations to 99<BR>time,2400 ! set final time to 40 minutes<BR>deltim,0.01,0.0001,100 ! use small initial time step<BR>outres,all,1 ! store all solutions on the results file<BR>solve ! solve the transient load step<BR>/psf,conv,,2 ! turn on plotting of convection<BR>eplot ! plot elements<BR>/psf,default ! reset plotting<BR>finish<BR>save ! save the database<BR>!<BR>/post26 ! enter the time-history postprocessor<BR>solu,2,dtime,,deltime ! DELTIM for each step<BR>!<BR>nsol,3,node((rad1+rad2)/2,0,0,),temp,,T1 ! define checking points T1-T4<BR>nsol,4,node(rad2,0,0),temp,,T2<BR>nsol,5,node(rad3,0,0),temp,,T3<BR>nsol,6,node((rad3+rad4)/2,0,0),temp,,T4<BR>nsol,7,node(0,hgtm,0),temp,,SandTOP ! define checking points for mold<BR>nsol,8,node(radm,hgtm,0),temp,,SandCRNR<BR>nsol,9,node(0,-hgtm,0),temp,,SandBOT<BR>!<BR>plvar,2 ! plot results variables defined above<BR>plvar,3,4,5,6<BR>plvar,7,8,9<BR>*GET,nsets,VARI,,NSET ! get the number of datasets on the results file<BR>!<BR>finish ! exit the time-history postprocessor<BR>!<BR>/post1 ! enter the postprocessor<BR>set,first ! read in first set of results<BR>!<BR>esel,s,mat,,2 ! select AL elements and nodes<BR>nsle,s<BR>!<BR>/cval,1,695,900 ! set two uneven contours, at 695 and 900<BR>!<BR>*do,i,2,nsets ! use a do loop to view results<BR>set,next<BR>plnsol,temp<BR>*enddo<BR>!<BR>finish ! exit the postprocessor<BR>!  /exit,nosa<BR>
发表于 2005-9-26 20:12 | 显示全部楼层
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