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[前后处理] 有人会*VWRITE命令吗?

发表于 2006-6-21 21:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2006-6-22 07:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-3-2 14:04 编辑

  查看一下帮助看看, 我也没用过

发表于 2006-6-22 08:22 | 显示全部楼层


<P>按FORTRAN格式定义数据格式<BR><BR>给一个实例: (引自ANSYS VM49)<BR><BR>*VWRITE,LABEL(1,1),LABEL(1,2),ANG(1,1),VALUE(1,1),VLT(1),VALUE(1,2)<BR>(1X,A8,A8,': ',F4.1,'  ',F7.2,'  ',F7.2,'  ',1F5.3)<BR><BR><BR><BR>这些问题均可直接查看帮助,以下为其帮助的内容<BR>You use <B>*VWRITE</B> to write data to a file in a formatted sequence. Data items (<I><TT>Par1</TT></I>, <I><TT>Par2</TT></I>, etc.) may be array parameters, scalar parameters, character parameters (scalar or array), or constants. You must evaluate expressions and functions in the data item fields before using the <B>*VWRITE</B> command, since initially they will be evaluated to a constant and remain constant throughout the operation. Unless a file is defined with the <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_CFOPEN.html" target="_blank" ><B>*CFOPEN</B></A> command, data is written to the standard output file. Data written to the standard output file may be diverted to a different file by first switching the current output file with the <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_OUTPUT.html" target="_blank" ><B>/OUTPUT</B></A> command. You can also use the <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_MWRITE_st.html" target="_blank" ><B>*MWRITE</B></A> command to write data to a specified file. Both commands contain format descriptors on the line immediately following the command. The format descriptors can be in either Fortran or C format. </P>
<P>You must enclose Fortran format descriptors in parentheses. They must immediately follow the <B>*VWRITE</B> command on a separate line of the same input file. Do not include the word FORMAT. The format must specify the number of fields to be written per line, the field width, the placement of the decimal point, etc. You should use one field descriptor for each data item written. The write operation uses your system's available FORTRAN FORMAT conventions (see your system FORTRAN manual). You can use any standard FORTRAN <I>real</I> format (such as (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) and alphanumeric format (A). Alphanumeric strings are limited to a maximum of 8 characters for any field (A8) using the Fortran format. Use the “C” format for string arrays larger than 8 characters. Integer (I) and list-directed (*) descriptors may <I>not</I> be used. You can include text in the format as a quoted string. <I>The parentheses must be included in the format</I> and the format must not exceed 80 characters (including parentheses). The output line length is limited to 128 characters.</P>
<P>The “C” format descriptors are used if the first line of the format descriptor is not a left parenthesis. “C” format descriptors are up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings and predefined "data descriptors" between the strings where numeric or alphanumeric character data will be inserted. The normal descriptors are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C for alphanumeric character data, and %/ for a line break. Each descriptor must be preceded by a blank. There must be one data descriptor for each specified value (8 maximum) in the order of the specified values. The enhanced formats described in <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_MSG.html" target="_blank" ><B>*MSG</B></A> may also be used. </P>
<P>For array parameter items, you must define the starting array element number. Looping continues (incrementing the vector index number of each array parameter by one) each time you output a line, until the maximum array vector element is written. For example, <B>*VWRITE</B>,A(1) followed by (F6.0) will write one value per output line, i.e., A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), etc. You write constants and scalar parameters with the same values for each loop. You can also control the number of loops and loop skipping with the <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_VLEN.html" target="_blank" ><B>*VLEN</B></A> and <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_VMASK.html" target="_blank" ><B>*VMASK</B></A> commands. The vector specifications <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_VABS.html" target="_blank" ><B>*VABS</B></A>, <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_VFACT.html" target="_blank" ><B>*VFACT</B></A>, and <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_VCUM.html" target="_blank" ><B>*VCUM</B></A> do not apply to this command. If looping continues beyond the supplied data array's length, zeros will be output for numeric array parameters and blanks for character array parameters. For multi-dimensioned array parameters, only the first (row) subscript is incremented. See the <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_VOPER.html" target="_blank" ><B>*VOPER</B></A> command for details. If you are in the GUI, the <B>*VWRITE</B> command must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into ANSYS (i.e., <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_USE.html" target="_blank" ><B>*USE</B></A>, <a href="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Ansys%20Inc\v100\CommonFiles\HELP\en-us\ansyshelp.chm::/Hlp_C_INPUT.html" target="_blank" ><B>/INPUT</B></A>, etc.).</P>
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