- function [pe hist] = pec(y,m,t)
- % Calculate the permutation entropy
- % Input: y: time series;
- % m: order of permuation entropy
- % t: delay time of permuation entropy,
- % Output:
- % pe: permuation entropy
- % hist: the histogram for the order distribution
- %Ref: G Ouyang, J Li, X Liu, X Li, Dynamic Characteristics of Absence EEG Recordings with Multiscale Permutation % % Entropy Analysis, Epilepsy Research, doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2012.11.003
- % X Li, G Ouyang, D Richards, Predictability analysis of absence seizures with permutation entropy, Epilepsy % % Research, Vol. 77pp. 70-74, 2007
- ly = length(y);
- permlist = perms(1:m);
- c(1:length(permlist))=0;
- for j=1:ly-t*(m-1)
- [a,iv]=sort(y(j:t:j+t*(m-1)));
- for jj=1:length(permlist)
- if (abs(permlist(jj,:)-iv))==0
- c(jj) = c(jj) + 1 ;
- end
- end
- end
- hist = c;
- c=c(find(c~=0));
- p = c/sum(c);
- pe = -sum(p .* log(p));