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[CFD及热分析] [转帖]ANSYS热分析的辐射例子

发表于 2006-4-19 07:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<STRONG>ANSYS热分析的辐射例子<BR><BR></STRONG>/BATCH<BR>!<BR>!<BR>/GRA,POWER<BR>/GST,ON<BR>/NOPR   <BR>/PMETH,OFF  <BR>KEYW,PR_SET,1   <BR>KEYW,PR_THERM,1 ! set preferences for thermal menus only <BR>/title, Chapter 8 - Radiation Matrix Utility Example - Non-Hidden <BR>base = .150  ! base thickness<BR>hgt = 1.0    ! overall height<BR>ttop = 0.05  ! thickness at the top of the fin<BR>tbot = .150  ! thickness at the base of the fin<BR>fspc = 0.4   ! fin spacing<BR>/PREP7 ! enter preprocessor<BR>MP,KXX,1,8.5 ! input thermal conductivity<BR>ET,1,PLANE55 ! element type 1 definition<BR>ET,2,SURF151 ! define surface effect elements<BR>KEYOPT,2,3,0 ! set keyoptions for type 2<BR>KEYOPT,2,4,1 ! exclude midside nodes<BR>KEYOPT,2,5,1 ! include extra node<BR>KEYOPT,2,6,0 ! use of bulk temp<BR>KEYOPT,2,8,2 ! HF at average T<BR>KEYOPT,2,9,0 ! exclude radiation effects<BR>K,1,0,0,0, ! create keypoints  <BR>K, ,0,base,0,   <BR>K, ,0,hgt,0,<BR>K, ,tbot/2,0,0, <BR>K, ,tbot/2,base,0,  <BR>K, ,ttop/2,hgt,0,   <BR>K, ,fspc/2,0,0, <BR>K, ,fspc/2,base,0,  <BR>a,1,4,5,2 ! create areas using keypoints   <BR>a,2,5,6,3   <BR>a,4,7,8,5  <BR>local,11,0,fspc/2  ! create local CSYS 11 for reflection operations   <BR>arsym,x,all  ! reflect areas <BR>nummrg,kp    ! merge keypoints<BR>agen,5,1,6,1,fspc    ! generate additional areas<BR>local,11,0,5*fspc    ! relocate CSYS11<BR>arsym,x,28,30 ! last reflection operation<BR>nummrg,kp ! merge keypoints<BR>csys,0  ! switch active coordinate system to global cartesian  <BR>eshape,2 ! specify quad shaped elements <BR>esize,ttop*.9    ! specify element size<BR>amesh,all    ! mesh all areas<BR>eplot ! plot elements <BR>/num,0 ! plot labels with both colors and numbers<BR>*get,nn,node,,num,max ! using *get utility to get max node number  <BR>n,nn+1,5.5*fspc/2,hgt+.2  ! create extra node for surface effect elements<BR>lsel,s,ext ! select lines for surface effect element generation<BR>lsel,u,loc,x,0<BR>lsel,u,loc,y,0<BR>lsel,u,,,104<BR>nsll,s,1 ! select node attached to these lines<BR>nplot ! plot of nodes for checking<BR>NSEL,A, , ,     813  ! also select extra node<BR>nplot   <BR>TYPE,   2   ! switch element type for meshing to type 2 <BR>esurf,nn+1 ! create surface effect elements  <BR>allsel   ! select everything<BR>save ! save the database<BR>FINISH ! exit the preprocessor  <BR>

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-19 07:37 | 显示全部楼层


/SOLU    ! enter Solution<BR>ANTYPE,0 ! specify new steady-state analysis<BR>nsel,s,loc,y,0 ! select nodes on base for flux loading   <BR>sf,all,hflux,17.0    ! apply hflux load<BR>allsel,all   ! select everything<BR>esel,s,type,,2   ! select type 2 elements<BR>eplot    ! plot elements for checking<BR>SFE,ALL,1,CONV,,0.01 ! apply film coeff to all selected elements<BR>D,nn+1,TEMP,90 ! apply temperature to extra node<BR>allsel ! select everything<BR>/psf,hflux,,2    ! check loading by plotting, hflux<BR>eplot   <BR>/PLOPTS,INFO,1   ! turn legend on<BR>/psf,conv,,2 ! turn on plotting of convection symbols <BR>eplot    ! check by plotting<BR>SAVE ! save the database before solution execution<BR>/STAT,SOLU ! review status for the thermal analysis  <BR>SOLVE    ! execute the solution<BR>FINISH   ! exit solution<BR>/POST1   ! enter the postprocessor<BR>PRRSOL,HEAT  ! list reaction solution, heat<BR>ESEL,S,TYPE,,1   ! select all type 1 elements<BR>ALLSEL,BELOW,ELEM  ! select everything below the selected elements  <BR>NSLE ! select all nodes attached to elements<BR>PLNSOL,TEMP, ,0, ! plot nodal solution, temperature<BR>ALLSEL,ALL   ! select everything<BR>FINISH   ! exit the postprocessor<BR>/PREP7  ! this is the beginning of radiation input <BR>ET,3,LINK32  ! define element type 3, LINK32<BR>TYPE,   3 ! set attributes for meshing to type 3   <BR>lsel,s,ext   ! isolate radiation surfaces by selecting lines<BR>lsel,u,loc,y,0  <BR>lsel,u,loc,x,0  <BR>lsel,u,loc,x,5.5*fspc   <BR>lplot    ! plot lines to check<BR>nsll,s,1 ! select nodes attached to lines<BR>nplot ! plot nodes to check <BR>n,nn+2,6.5*fspc/2,hgt+.2 ! define space node<BR>esurf    ! create elements<BR>/PSYMB,ESYS,1 ! turn on esys plotting<BR>ESEL,S,TYPE,,3 ! select all type 3 elements  <BR>eplot    ! plot to check orientation <BR>allsel   ! select everything<BR>FINISH ! exit  <BR>
 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-19 07:37 | 显示全部楼层


/aux12 ! enter radiation amtrix utility<BR>! select entites for bay 1<BR>lsel,s,ext ! select external lines<BR>lsel,r,loc,x,0.05,0.35 ! select bay 1 lines<BR>lsel,u,loc,y,0 <BR>nsll,s,1 ! select attached nodes<BR>esln,s,1 ! select attached elements<BR>nsel,a,,,nn+2 ! also select space node<BR>emis,1,0.9 ! set emissivity<BR>stef,1.19e-011 ! set Stefan-Botzman constant<BR>geom,1,0 ! set geom to 2D<BR>space,nn+2 ! specify space node number<BR>vtype,1,, ! specify non-hidden method<BR>mprint,0 ! do not pint matricies<BR>write,bay1 ! write file bay1<BR>allsel,all ! select everything<BR>! select entities for bay 2<BR>lsel,s,ext ! select external lines<BR>lsel,r,loc,x,0.425,0.775 ! select bay 2 lines<BR>lsel,u,loc,y,0 <BR>nsll,s,1 ! select attached nodes<BR>esln,s,1 ! select attached elements<BR>nsel,a,,,nn+2 ! also select space node<BR>emis,1,0.9 ! set emissivity<BR>stef,1.19e-011 ! set Stefan-Botzman constant<BR>geom,1,0 ! set geom to 2D<BR>space,nn+2 ! specify space node number<BR>vtype,1,, ! specify non-hidden method<BR>mprint,0 ! do not pint matricies<BR>write,bay2 ! write file bay2<BR>allsel,all ! select everything<BR>! select entities for bay 3<BR>lsel,s,ext ! select external lines<BR>lsel,r,loc,x,0.825,0.825+.35 ! select bay 3 lines<BR>lsel,u,loc,y,0 <BR>nsll,s,1 ! select attached nodes<BR>esln,s,1 ! select attached elements<BR>nsel,a,,,nn+2 ! also select space node<BR>emis,1,0.9 ! set emissivity<BR>stef,1.19e-011 ! set Stefan-Botzman constant<BR>geom,1,0 ! set geom to 2D<BR>space,nn+2 ! specify space node number<BR>vtype,1,, ! specify non-hidden method<BR>mprint,0 ! do not pint matricies<BR>write,bay3 ! write file bay3<BR>allsel,all ! select everything<BR>! select entities for bay 4<BR>lsel,s,ext ! select external lines<BR>lsel,r,loc,x,1.225,1.225+.35 ! select bay 4 lines<BR>lsel,u,loc,y,0 <BR>nsll,s,1 ! select attached nodes<BR>esln,s,1 ! select attached elements<BR>nsel,a,,,nn+2 ! also select space node<BR>emis,1,0.9 ! set emissivity<BR>stef,1.19e-011 ! set Stefan-Botzman constant<BR>geom,1,0 ! set geom to 2D<BR>space,nn+2 ! specify space node number<BR>vtype,1,, ! specify non-hidden method<BR>mprint,0 ! do not pint matricies<BR>write,bay4 ! write file bay4<BR>allsel,all ! select everything <BR>
 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-19 07:37 | 显示全部楼层


! select entities for bay 5<BR>lsel,s,ext ! select external lines<BR>lsel,r,loc,x,1.625,1.625+.35 ! select bay 5 lines<BR>lsel,u,loc,y,0 <BR>nsll,s,1 ! select attached nodes<BR>esln,s,1 ! select attached elements<BR>nsel,a,,,nn+2 ! also select space node<BR>emis,1,0.9 ! set emissivity<BR>stef,1.19e-011 ! set Stefan-Botzman constant<BR>geom,1,0 ! set geom to 2D<BR>space,nn+2 ! specify space node number<BR>vtype,1,, ! specify non-hidden method<BR>mprint,0 ! do not pint matricies<BR>write,bay5 ! write file bay5<BR>allsel,all ! select everything<BR>! select entities for bay 6<BR>lsel,s,ext ! select external lines<BR>lsel,r,loc,x,2.025,2.220 ! select bay 6 lines<BR>lsel,u,loc,y,0 <BR>nsll,s,1 ! select attached nodes<BR>esln,s,1 ! select attached elements<BR>nsel,a,,,nn+2 ! also select space node<BR>emis,1,0.9 ! set emissivity<BR>stef,1.19e-011 ! set Stefan-Botzman constant<BR>geom,1,0 ! set geom to 2D<BR>space,nn+2 ! specify space node number<BR>vtype,1,, ! specify non-hidden method<BR>mprint,0 ! do not pint matricies<BR>write,bay6 ! write file bay6<BR>allsel,all ! select everything<BR>! select entities for bay 7<BR>lsel,s,loc,y,1.0 ! select lines at tips of fins<BR>nsll,s,1 ! select attached nodes<BR>esln,s,1 ! select attached elements<BR>nsel,a,,,nn+2 ! also select space node<BR>emis,1,0.9 ! set emissivity<BR>  
<br>stef,1.19e-011 ! set Stefan-Botzman constant<BR>geom,1,0 ! set geom to 2D<BR>space,nn+2 ! specify space node number<BR>vtype,1,, ! specify non-hidden method<BR>mprint,0 ! do not pint matricies<BR>write,bay7 ! write file bay7<BR>allsel,all ! select everything<BR>finish<BR>/PREP7 ! enter the preprocessor<BR>et,4,matrix50 ! define element type matrix 50<BR>keyopt,4,1,1 ! set keyopts for 50<BR>keyopt,4,6,0<BR>type,4 ! set active mesh attributes to type 4<BR>se,bay1,,,0.0001 ! read in file bay1<BR>se,bay2,,,0.0001 ! read in file bay2<BR>se,bay3,,,0.0001 ! read in file bay3<BR>se,bay4,,,0.0001 ! read in file bay4<BR>se,bay5,,,0.0001 ! read in file bay5<BR>se,bay6,,,0.0001 ! read in file bay6<BR>se,bay7,,,0.0001 ! read in file bay7<BR>esel,s,type,,3 ! select all type 3 elements<BR>!<BR>elist ! for checking only<BR>edele,all ! delete all active elements<BR>finish ! exit prep7<BR>/solu ! enter solution<BR>allsel,all ! select all entities<BR>nlgeom,0 ! set analysis options<BR>nropt,auto,,off<BR>lumpm,0<BR>eqslv,front,,0,<BR>prec,0<BR>pivcheck,1<BR>sstif<BR>pstres<BR>toffst,460, ! set temperature offset<BR>d,nn+2,temp,90 ! set temperature of space node<BR>save ! save the data base<BR>/stat,solu <BR>solve <BR>finish<BR>/post1<BR>esel,s,type,,1 ! select all type 1 elements<BR>allsel,below,elem ! select everything below<BR>nsle ! select nodes<BR>plnsol,temp,,0 ! plot nodal solution, temp<BR>allsel,all ! select everything<BR>prrsol,heat ! print reaction solution<BR>save<BR>finish<BR>!  /exit,nosa <BR>
 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-19 07:38 | 显示全部楼层


/BATCH  <BR>/COM,ANSYS RELEASE  6.1    UP20020321       09:23:13    08/17/2004<BR>/input,menust,tmp,'''',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1   <BR>/GRA,POWER<BR>/GST,ON<BR>/PLO,INFO,3<BR>/GRO,CURL,ON<BR>/REPLOT,RESIZE  <BR>~SATIN,race,sat,,SOLIDS,0   <BR>/NOPR   <BR>/GO <BR>/FACET,NORML<BR>/REPLOT <BR>/USER, 1<BR> <BR>!*  <BR>/NOPR   <BR>/PMETH,OFF,0
<br>/GO <BR>!*  <BR>/COM,   <BR>/COM,Preferences for GUI filtering have been set to display:<BR>/COM,  Thermal  <BR>!*  <BR>!*  <BR>ET,1,SOLID70<BR>!*  <BR>ET,3,PLANE55<BR>!*  <BR>ETDEL,1 <BR>!*  <BR>ETDEL,3 <BR>!*  <BR>ET,1,SOLID70<BR>!*  <BR>ET,2,PLANE55<BR>!*  <BR>ETDEL,2 <BR>!*  <BR>ET,3,PLANE55<BR>!*  <BR>ET,2,SURF152<BR>!*  <BR>!*   
<p>!*  <BR>ETDEL,2 <BR>!*  <BR>et,2,surf22,1,,,1,1 <BR>!*   
<p>!*  <BR>!*  <BR>R,2,1,5.67e-8, , , ,<BR>RMORE, , , , ,  <BR>!*  <BR>!*  <BR>MPTEMP,,,,,,,,  <BR>MPTEMP,1,0  <BR>MPDATA,KXX,1,,154   <BR>MPTEMP,,,,,,,,  <BR>MPTEMP,1,0  <BR>MPDATA,C,1,,896 <BR>MPTEMP,,,,,,,,  <BR>MPTEMP,1,0  <BR>MPDATA,DENS,1,,2700 <BR>MPTEMP,,,,,,,,  <BR>MPTEMP,1,0  <BR>MPDATA,EMIS,1,,0.5  <BR>!*  <BR>MPTEMP,,,,,,,,  <BR>MPTEMP,1,0  <BR>MPDE,DENS,1 <BR>MPDATA,DENS,1,,2700 <BR>MPTEMP,,,,,,,,  <BR>MPTEMP,1,0  <BR>MPDATA,EMIS,2,,0.5  <BR>!*  <BR>CM,_Y,VOLU  <BR>VSEL, , , ,       1 <BR>CM,_Y1,VOLU <BR>CMSEL,S,_Y  <BR>!*  <BR>!*  <BR>CM,_Y,VOLU  <BR>VSEL, , , ,       1 <BR>CM,_Y1,VOLU <BR>CMSEL,S,_Y  <BR>!*  <BR>CMSEL,S,_Y1 <BR>VATT,       1,       2,   1,       0<BR>CMSEL,S,_Y  <BR>CMDELE,_Y   <BR>CMDELE,_Y1 <BR>
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