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[Workbench] ansys workbench13 内存问题,希望高手简答

发表于 2011-12-13 21:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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*** FATAL ***                           CP =       0.328   TIME= 11:01:36
The memory (-m) size requested [516 mb] is not currently available.     
Reenter ANSYS command line with less memory requested.                  

The above error is non-recoverable by ANSYS                             
  ANSYS run terminated by the indicated error                           
  Current data base saved if possible.                                   

The memory (-m) size requested is not currently available. Reenter ANSYS command line with less memory requested.
The database (-db) space requested is not currently available. Reenter ANSYS command line with less database space requested.
Either of these messages may occur at ANSYS startup.
The memory used by ANSYS resides within the system virtual memory. The required system virtual memory for the amount of memory that you requested for either the workspace (-m) or database space (-db) for ANSYS (via either the ANSYS command line or the configuration file) is not currently available. Request less workspace or database space if possible and execute the ANSYS program again. If the initial requested memory is required, then wait until sufficient system virtual memory is free and try again.
Another alternative is to increase the system's virtual memory (use the System icon in the Control Panel on Windows).
Windows 32-bit systems are limited to a maximum workspace or database size of around 2 GB; however, in practice, you often get less than that (e.g., 1400-1500 MB) due to system DLLs fragmenting the memory address space available to ANSYS. This fragmentation decreases the size of the biggest contiguous block of memory available to ANSYS. Thus, on Windows 32-bit systems, closing other programs to increase the system virtual memory or increasing the system virtual memory manually will not resolve this error. The only solution is to decrease the workspace or database size, or both.

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发表于 2012-4-24 20:13 | 显示全部楼层
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