Leah 发表于 2010-12-7 16:52

simulink 仿真出现的错误,急求大侠

仿真之后出来的错误提示,1,Input data dependency violation due to action subsystems. See Subsystem Examples in the Simulink library for valid and invalid examples of action subsystems。2,Input ports (Action) of 'xtco/If Action Subsystem2' are involved in the loop。后面还有好多错误提示,这里不一一说了,但大部分说是回路的问题。请问各位,我的模型里是哪一块出问题了呢?我感觉好像是If Action Subsystem的用法不对。希望大家给点意见啊!

Leah 发表于 2010-12-7 20:31


yufeng 发表于 2010-12-8 08:24

条件模块有问题 检查下

Leah 发表于 2010-12-8 16:26

回复 3 # yufeng 的帖子

有人说仿真后,条件模块出来是虚线是正常的。系统里其他的错误是Input ports (Action) of 'xtco/If Action Subsystem2' are involved in the loop。Input ports (1) of 'xtco/If1' are involved in the loop。以及好多类似于。。。。are involved in the loop。这样的句式的错误。这到底是怎么回事啊?是不是存在代数环?

Leah 发表于 2010-12-11 22:02

Input data dependency violation due to action subsystems. See Subsystem Examples in the Simulink library for valid and invalid examples of action subsystems。哪位高手说一下,我模型了的子系统哪里错了么?谢谢啊,找了很长时间都没有找到错误

Leah 发表于 2010-12-13 17:27


willzhang 发表于 2013-7-9 19:21

本帖最后由 willzhang 于 2013-7-9 19:43 编辑

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