robently 发表于 2009-5-11 10:06



hammeryet 发表于 2009-5-11 15:55

回复 12楼 jinglongwo 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 hammeryet 于 2009-5-11 16:02 编辑 ]

stgcgwj 发表于 2009-5-11 16:30

原帖由 jinglongwo 于 2009-5-7 16:00 发表
                                    测量单位为PK- ...

mriook 发表于 2009-5-12 09:10


fanhxl 发表于 2009-5-14 11:26

轴颈测量面是否有划痕或其他缺陷,造成时域波形有很高的脉冲,CSI 是用RMS值乘以一特定的系数而的到的p-p值(个人判断)。估计在极端的条件下失效。我以前也遇到过此类情况。

wang-yl80 发表于 2009-5-17 10:41


fanhxl 发表于 2009-5-19 11:20

Peak-to-Peak (pp) The difference between the maximum positive-going and negative-going peaks in a
periodic waveform during one complete cycle.
Zero-to-Peak (pk) The pp value of a vibration signal divided by two (pp/2). Also referred to as
“true peak.”
Root Mean Square (RMS) A measurement of the effective energy content in a signal. Mathematically,
the RMS value of a waveform f(t) is defined as
where T is the period (one complete cycle) of the waveform*.

fanhxl 发表于 2009-5-19 11:21

we began an in-depth look
at the answer to a question that arises numerous times
each year from our customers: “I took a vibration reading
with a portable diagnostic instrument, but it does
not agree with what I am seeing on my Bently Nevada™
monitor. Why?”
Customers often assume that there must be a problem
with the monitor, the diagnostic instrument, or both.
However, as explained in part 1 and as repeated here,
this is rarely the case. Instead, there are some very
straightforward reasons why there are often discrepancies
in vibration readings between two instruments
— particularly peak-to-peak amplitude readings.
In our previous article (ORBIT Volume 25, Number 2,
2005), we defined four stages of a signal as it travels
through a vibration measuring instrument. For convenience,
those stages and the corresponding diagram
are repeated below as Figure 1.

fanhxl 发表于 2009-5-19 11:25

Peak-to-peak (pp), zero-to-peak (pk), and RMS are the most commonly used conventions for expressing the
amplitude of vibration waveforms. The conversion between RMS and pk is only equal to 0.707 for a pure sine wave (A). For
a more complex signal (B), the equation of Table 1 must be used to compute the RMS value. The conversion between pp and
pk can differ between manufacturers and becomes apparent if the waveform is asymmetrical (B). When using the Bently
Nevada instrumentation convention of pk = pp/2, the pk value may not be equal to either the positive or negative peaks on an
asymmetrical waveform.
页: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: csi测量值与DCS相差很大