portis 发表于 2009-2-12 18:59


本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-1 14:14 编辑

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[ 本帖最后由 portis 于 2009-2-12 19:04 编辑 ]

portis 发表于 2009-2-12 19:05

1.        Tang, D; Yang, C; Kobayashi, S; Ku, DN. Effect of a Lipid Pool on Stress/Strain Distributions in Stenotic Arteries: 3D FSI Models. J Biomech Engng. 2004a;126:363–370.
2.        Tang, D; Yang, C; Zheng, J; Woodard, PK; Saffitz, JE; Sicard, GA; Pilgram, TK; Yuan, C. Quantifying effects of plaque structure and material properties on stress behaviors in human atherosclerotic plaques using 3D FSI models. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2005b;127(7):1185–1194.
3.        Tang, D; Yang, C; Zheng, J; Woodard, PK; Sicard, GA; Saffitz, JE; Yuan, C. 3D MRI-based multi-component FSI models for atherosclerotic plaques, a 3-D FSI model. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2004b;32(7):947–960.
4.        Wentzel, JJ; Janssen, E; Vos, J; Schuurbiers, JC; Krams, R; Serruys, PW; de Feyter, PJ; Slager, CJ. Extension of increased atherosclerotic wall thickness into high shear stress regions is associated with loss of compensatory remodeling. Circulation. 2003;108(1):17–23.
5.        Wentzel, JJ; Corti, R; Fayad, ZA; Wisdom, P; Macaluso, F; Winkelman, MO; Fuster, V; Badimon, JJ. Does shear stress modulate both plaque progression and regression in the thoracic aorta? Human study using serial magnetic resonance imaging. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005;45(6):846–854.
6.        Yang, C; Tang, D; Yuan, C; Hatsukami, TS; Zheng, J; Woodard, PK. In Vivo/Ex Vivo MRI-Based 3D Models with Fluid-Structure Interactions for Human Atherosclerotic Plaques Compared with Fluid/Wall-Only Models. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 2007;19(3):233–245.
7.        Yuan, C; Kerwin, WS. MRI of atherosclerosis. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2004;19(6):710–719.
8.        Yuan, C; Mitsumori, LM; Beach, KW; Maravilla, KR. Special review: carotid atherosclerotic plaque: noninvasive MR characterization and identification of vulnerable lesions. Radiology. 2001a;221:285–299.
Yuan, C; Mitsumori, LM; Ferguson, MS; Polissar, NL; Echelard, DE; Ortiz, G; Small, R; Davies, JW; Kerwin, WS; Hatsukami, TS. In vivo accuracy of multispectral MR imaging for identifying lipid-rich necrotic cores and intraplaque hemorrhage in advanced human carotid plaques. Circulation. 2001b;104:2051–2056.

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