hrbeu2008 发表于 2008-11-9 17:08



ANSYS帮助文件中声学流固耦合的第一个例子中提到:In this problem you will determine the first flexural mode (egg mode) frequency of an annular ring submerged in water which extends to infinity. You will perform a harmonic analysis using a frequency sweep between 34 and 38 Hz. The distance from the center of the ring to the infinite elements will at least be equal to (D/2) + 0.2λ where D is the outer diameter of the ring and λ = c/f is the dominant wavelength of the pressure waves. Using 0.26035 for the outer radius of the ring, 1460 for the speed of sound (c), and 36 for the estimated dominant frequency (f), gives (D/2) + 0.2λ = 0.26035 + (0.2)(1460)/36 = 8.37146. However, this is much greater than the distance required when using the acoustic infinite element and a distance of 2 times the outer radius of the ring will be used ( 2 x .26035 = .5207), as shown in the command listing.



[ 本帖最后由 16443 于 2008-11-10 11:35 编辑 ]
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查看完整版本: ANSYS声学流固耦合分析时流体部分半径大小的确定