花如月 发表于 2007-12-25 13:38


y = imhistc(int16touint16(a), n, isScaled, top); % Call MEX file to do work.
这句在imhist的源码里>> helpimhistc
imhistc.m not found.
Use the Help browser Search tab to search the documentation, or
type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.
>> lookforimhistc
IMHISTC Image histogram.而在histeq的源码里的grayxform就更离奇了
if kind == 1 % Modify intensity image
   b = grayxform(a, T);>> help grayxform
grayxform.m not found.
Use the Help browser Search tab to search the documentation, or
type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.
>> lookfor grayxform
grayxform not found.什么都找不到,却可以运行。怎么回事?还有Call MEX file to do work.谁有更多关于mex文件的信息,希望可以共享下,先谢了:handshake


[ 本帖最后由 eight 于 2007-12-25 16:01 编辑 ]

eight 发表于 2007-12-25 16:00

那些都是 matlab 的私有函数,做成了 dll 的方式,可能是为了提高运算速度吧。


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