flyeryj119 发表于 2007-11-10 11:32


MSC.Marc provides the capability of steady state rolling analysis. The feature is
characterized by a mixed Eularian/Lagrangian formulation with inertia effects in
spinning/cornering deformable bodies. Using a non-spinning reference frame
attached to the wheel axel, the analysis becomes purely space dependent. It presents
a better alternative to the unnecessary computational burden of arriving at a steady
state condition through a transient analysis. Furthermore, a finer mesh only needs to
be used in the contact region as opposed to the entire rolling surface.

sigma665 发表于 2007-11-14 10:27

marc 提供稳态旋转分析的能力。特点是:在旋转变形体中,利用了带有惯性效应的混合 Eularian/Lagrangian 变换。把不旋转的参考坐标系放在轴上,这样分析就依靠纯空间。它提供了一个更好的选择,对于用瞬态分析而达到稳态条件减少了不必要的计算。而且,更细小的网格划分只是在接触面上用到,而不是整个旋转面。

[ 本帖最后由 zhpurple 于 2007-11-14 10:54 编辑 ]
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