xiaoxin731 发表于 2007-8-9 16:43



pengweicai 发表于 2007-8-9 17:06

声级计直接读出 声压级,谈不上采样。
应该是 传声器,它可以转换为点信号,但是要想用声卡,还需要自己编程解决接口的问题,可能比较复杂。


xiaoxin731 发表于 2007-8-9 17:53


sushi 发表于 2007-8-10 13:03


你用声级计只能测量1/n 倍频程,但是后续的分析如声强,声功率你实现不了,推荐你用一套m+p的USB式 便携式声学测量系统,
Ultra-Portable, USB-Powered Real-Time Analyzer   Equipped with a 24-bit four-channel USB powered dynamic acquisition module, the SO AnalyzerUSB4 is the perfect engineering tool for portable noise and vibrationapplications. It provides highly accurate measurements from audiofrequency IEPE (ICP) sensors and all the functionality you need foryour daily test job at a surprisingly low price.http://www.mpihome.com/images/usb_small_lightblue.jpg
Thanksto its self-powered USB 2.0 hi-speed connectivity to a host PC or alaptop, the SO Analyzer is a compact real-time analyzer designed forprofessional applications in the field and in the laboratory.Measurements have never been so easy: Load the SO software, connect theUSB cable between the acquisition module and the host PC/laptop andstart your measurement using ICP® sensors powered direct from the USBfront-end. With 25 kHz bandwidth, 24-bit resolution and 102 dB dynamicrange, the SO Analyzer offers very high precision on four channels andupwards and is perfectly suited for versatile N&V measurements andanalyses.
Portable andstationary multi-channel noise and vibration measurements as well asonline and offline analysis in the time and frequency domain in theautomotive, the aerospace, military and other industrial environments.
SO Analyzer USB4 Specifications:
[*]4 simultaneously sampled inputs (expandable with multiple USB modules), +/- 5 V input range[*]USB 2.0 hi-speed[*] 24-bit resolution[*]102 dB dynamic range[*] ICP® support (accelerometers and microphones)[*]50 kS/s maximum sampling rate[*]25 kHz bandwidth[*]Real-time data acquisition, analysis and reporting in one package[*]Continuous or triggered measurements[*]Online real-time FFT[*]Online display of spectrum, PSD, FRF, etc.[*]Online waterfall displays[*]MS Windows like user interface, wizards[*]Automated ActiveX reporting to Microsoft Windows and PowerPoint[*]Expandable to 32 channels with NI CDAQ-9172 chassis
      Options:[*]Advanced reporting wizard for larger reports[*] Advanced calculator and user programming (Visual Basic)[*] Throughput to disc acquisition (time recorder), replacing conventional tape recorders[*] Offline post-processing analysis (spectrum, PSD, FRF, etc.) of measured or imported data[*] Modal analysis (ODS, SDOF, MDOF)[*]Online and offline rotating machinery analysis with tacho inputs for order analysis,
      RPM spectral mapping etc.[*]Online and offline real-time octave analysis[*]Acoustic intensity analysis[*]Shock response analysis

jqsk 发表于 2007-8-21 09:21


pengweicai 发表于 2007-8-21 13:32

毕竟要求也不是很高,再说了 测试设备也比较简单吧。

koliooon 发表于 2007-8-31 14:40


aihua 发表于 2007-9-4 20:44


aihua 发表于 2007-9-4 20:46

原帖由 jqsk 于 2007-8-21 09:21 发表 http://chinavib.com/forum/images/common/back.gif
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