happydzps 发表于 2007-5-15 17:51


我想在COMMAND WINDOWS用指令来控制SIMULINK中的电路图进行仿真,电路图保存名为nn,已经把仿真设置成TO WORKSPACE了,错误信息和电路图如下:
>> sim('nn')
??? Error using ==> sim
--> Error evaluating expression '' for 'External Inputs' specified in the Configuration Parameters dialog for block diagram 'nn'. It must be possible to completely evaluate expressions in block-diagram parameter fields either in the model or source workspace.
Error in model and source workspaces: Error using ==> sim
Undefined function or variable 't'.
--> Error evaluating element '1' in list of external inputs specified in Configuration Parameters dialog. External inputs may be specified as either (a) a list of matrices and structures or (b) a single MATLAB expression or function.


gwei 发表于 2007-5-15 22:43

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