WARNING: The distance from the origin of the J markerto the Z-axis of the I marker is 0.254058624
(No warnings if less than +/-1.0E-003)
Translational Joint = .MPRO_model.JOINT_28
I Marker = .MPRO_model.DIANJI_2.JOINT_28__MAR_I
J Marker = .MPRO_model.SHENSHUOGAN_flex.JOINT_28__MAR_J
WARNING: The distance between the J marker and the I marker is 16.058525922.
(No warnings if less than +/-1.0E-003)
Revolute Joint = .MPRO_model.JOINT_39
I Marker = .MPRO_model.HUKEJIAO_XIAO2_1.JOINT_39__MAR_I
J Marker = .MPRO_model.SHENSHUOGAN_flex.JOINT_39__MAR_J
WARNING: The markers for JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_39 are not initially coincident.
The relative displacement between the markers, expressed in the
J marker coordinate frame is:
Delta X = 6.67318E-02 Delta Y = -2.96787E-02 Delta Z = -16.058.
WARNING: The I marker of JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_28 is not on the
z-axis of theJ marker.The relative displacement from
the z-axis, expressedin the J marker coordinate frame is:
Delta X = -0.22240 Delta Y = 0.12283.
WARNING: Initial displacement of MOTION MPRO_model.MOTION_3 differs from that of
JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_28, on which it is located, by 386.81 .
WARNING: The markers for JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_39 are not initially coincident.
The relative displacement between the markers, expressed in the
J marker coordinate frame is:
Delta X = 6.67318E-02 Delta Y = -2.96787E-02 Delta Z = -16.058.
WARNING: The I marker of JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_28 is not on the
z-axis of theJ marker.The relative displacement from
the z-axis, expressedin the J marker coordinate frame is:
Delta X = -0.22240 Delta Y = 0.12283.
WARNING: Initial displacement of MOTION MPRO_model.MOTION_3 differs from that of
JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_28, on which it is located, by 386.81 .
WARNING: After 50 iterations of the calculations for the initial conditions, the
mechanism has been assembled with a maximum-magnitude error of -0.17745
which does not satisfy the specified tolerance of 1.0E-10 .
WARNING: The symbolic refactorization failed.The matrix is structurally singular
at time = 1.50E-02.
ERROR: The simulation is terminating at time = 0.0.
ADAMS can not solve the equations of motion because the mechanism has
"locked up." At least one constraintcanno longer be satisfied.
ADAMS is unable to satisfy the constraint for: JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_33 .
ERROR: Lockup detected
希望能得到大侠的指点啊,先谢谢了! 希望能和大家交流交流 经过本人修改,出错提示如下:
WARNING: The corrector has not converged after 1 attempts. No. of iterations = 6.
WARNING: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
NOTE:The set of redundant constraints has changed at time = 1.97528E-03.
WARNING: The symbolic refactorization failed.The matrix is structurally singular
at time = 1.97558E-03.
WARNING: The symbolic refactorization failed.The matrix is structurally singular
at time = 1.97558E-03. kindness 发表于 2006-12-11 16:11 static/image/common/back.gif
WARNING: The corrector has not converged after 1 attempts. No. of i ...