suffer 发表于 2006-11-14 18:15


function = fit_mix_gaussian( X,M )
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% fit_mix_gaussian - fit parameters for a mixed-gaussian distribution using EM algorithm
% format:    = fit_mix_gaussian( X,M )
% input:    X   - input samples, N*1 vector
%         M   - number of gaussians which are assumed to compose the distribution
% output:   u   - fitted mean for each gaussian
%         sig - fitted standard deviation for each gaussian
%         t   - probability of each gaussian in the complete distribution
%         iter- number of iterations done by the function

% run with default values
% if ~nargin
%    % M   = round(rand*5)+1;
%    M=1;
%   sig = rand(1,M)*3;
%   u   = randn(1,M)*8;
%   prob= rand(1,M);
%    = fit_mix_gaussian( build_mix_gaussian( u,sig,prob,1000*M ),M );
%   return
% end
%%%%%%%%added by me%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   sig = 3;
   u   = 8;
   prob= 1;
=build_mix_gaussian( u,sig,prob,256*M );


% initialize and initial guesses
N         = length( X );
Z         = ones(N,M) * 1/M;                  % indicators vector
P         = zeros(N,M);                     % probabilities vector for each sample and each model
t         = ones(1,M) * 1/M;                  % distribution of the gaussian models in the samples
u         = linspace(min(X),max(X),M);      % mean vector
sig2      = ones(1,M) * var(X) / sqrt(M);   % variance vector
C         = 1/sqrt(2*pi);                     % just a constant
Ic          = ones(N,1);                        % - enable a row replication by the * operator
Ir          = ones(1,M);                        % - enable a column replication by the * operator
Q         = zeros(N,M);                     % user variable to determine when we have converged to a steady solution
thresh      = 1e-3;
step      = N;
last_step   = inf;
iter      = 0;
min_iter    = 10;

% main convergence loop, assume gaussians are 1D
while ((( abs((step/last_step)-1) > thresh) & (step>(N*eps)) ) | (iter<min_iter) )
    % E step
    % ========
    Q   = Z;
    P   = C ./ (Ic*sqrt(sig2)) .* exp( -((X*Ir - Ic*u).^2)./(2*Ic*sig2) );
    for m = 1:M
      Z(:,m)= (P(:,m)*t(m))./(P*t(:));
    % estimate convergence step size and update iteration number
    prog_text   = sprintf(repmat( '\b',1,(iter>0)*12+ceil(log10(iter+1)) ));
    iter      = iter + 1;
    last_step   = step * (1 + eps) + eps;
    step      = sum(sum(abs(Q-Z)));
    fprintf( '%s%d iterations\n',prog_text,iter );

    % M step
    % ========
    Zm            = sum(Z);               % sum each column
    Zm(find(Zm==0)) = eps;                  % avoid devision by zero
    u               = (X')*Z ./ Zm;
    sig2            = sum(((X*Ir - Ic*u).^2).*Z) ./ Zm;
    t               = Zm/N;

% plot the fitted distribution
% =============================
sig   = sqrt( sig2 );
plot_mix_gaussian( u,sig,t );

aweyiun 发表于 2013-10-22 21:12

代码不全啊    build_mix_gaussian函数没有

褚青青 发表于 2014-2-17 20:57


mayaview 发表于 2014-2-25 01:10

是这个吗? 感觉好老的算法了。
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