Error spawning df.exe
编了简单的程序,编译时出现Error spawning df.exe
请问是什么原因?? 可能是程序没有安装好
有人也遇到过同样的问题,后来在“file"菜单里选择”close workspace“,再进去编译就好了,非常奇怪,具体什么原因我还没有搞清楚。这种方法不一定行得通,你可以试试。
另外还有人遇到类似问题,是因为cvf可能没装好,看看tools->option->directories->Show directories for "executable"的目录里面有没有df.exe
The "Error spawning DF.EXE" message means that Developer Studio was unable to run the compiler. There are many possible reasons for this, from not running Per-User Setup, to deleting the COMSPEC environment variable, to a corrupted registry. If your system becomes unresponsive after this error, that is very unusual and suggests a problem with your system or software.
The first thing I'd try is to run Per-User Setup. Then if that doesn't work, reinstall CVF. If you need help after that, write and include ALL the information requested in BUGREPRT.TXT, which you'll find in the DF98 folder. Don't leave anything out - we get many of these with blanks where the critical info should have been. If you have VF Reporter installed, use that instead. 还有可能是VC不知道你的CL放在了哪里,只知道去默认的目录里找,所以你需要告诉它cl的确切位置。
点击VC“TOOLS(工具)”—>“Option(选择)”—>“Directories(目录)”重新设置“Excutable Fils、Include Files、Library Files、Source Files”的路径。很多情况可能就一个盘符的不同(例如你的VC装在C,但是这些路径全部在D),改过来就OK了CL.exe默认所在的目录为C:MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIOVC98INCLUDE 如果没有pre-user setup怎么解决呢? 你用的是vf/ 对我用的是vf 。狠奇怪的问题! 原帖由 狼跃冲顶 于 2006-11-2 15:02 发表
对我用的是vf 。狠奇怪的问题!
另外你也可以直接用DF.exe编译一下看看是否正常 问题找到了 ,谢谢
我是直接从fortran77读取的数据不行,(我的77后来听他们说一种是msfortran 另外一种是basic内核的fortran我也不太懂这些,)直接在vf上编译真的可以。太感谢了辛苦了啊!!