gghhjj 发表于 2007-1-20 09:31


skywm 发表于 2007-2-8 21:42


Are certain kinds of networks always easier to synchronize? Or generically easier to synchronize, for very broad classes of dynamics? Does it matter if the couplings are heterogeneous? Does it matter if the nodes are heterogeneous? Are there perhaps local aspects which make parts of networks easier to synchronize, or apt to synchronize?
See also: Complex Networks; Synchronization
[*]Fatihcan M. Atay, Türker Biyikoglu and Jürgen Jost, "On the synchronization of networks with prescribed degree distributions", nlin.AO/0407024 [*]Fatihcan M. Atay, Jürgen Jost and Andreas Wende, "Delays, connection topology, and synchronization of coupled chaotic maps", cond-mat/0312177 To read:
[*]Alex Arenas, Albert Diaz-Guilera and Conrad J. Perez-Vicente [*]"Synchronization Reveals Topological Scales in Complex Networks", Physical Review Letters 96 (2006): 114102 = cond-mat/0511730 [*]"Synchronization processes in complex networks", nlin.AO/0610057 [*]Fatihcan M. Atay and Turker Biyikoglu, "Graph operations and synchronization of complex networks", Physical Review E 72 (2005): 016217 [*]Mauricio Barahona and Louis M. Pecora, "Synchronization in small-world systems," nlin.CD/0112023 [*]Mario di Bernardo, Franco Garofalo and Francesco Sorrentino, "Synchronization of degree correlated physical networks", cond-mat/0506236 [*]Luca Donetti, Pablo I. Hurtado, and Miguel A. Munoz, "Synchronization in Network Structures: Entangled Topology as Optimal Architecture for Network Design", cond-mat/0602351 [*]Prashant M. Gade and Sudeshna Sinha, "How Crucial Is Small World Connectivity for Dynamics?", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16 (2006): 2767--2775 [*]Jesus Gomez-Gardenes, Yamir Moreno, Alex Arenas, "Paths to Synchronization on Complex Networks", cond-mat/0608314 [*]H. Guclu, G. Korniss, M. A. Novotny, Z. Toroczkai and Z. R´cz, "Synchronization landscapes in small-world-connected computer networks", Physical Review E 73 (2006): 066115 = cond-mat/0601058 [*]H. Hong, M. Y. Choi, and Beom Jun Kim, "Synchronization on small-world networks," cond-mat/0110359 [*]Sarika Jalan and R. E. Amritkar, "Self-organized and driven phase synchronization in coupled map scale free networks," nlin.AO/0201051 [*]Jürgen Jost and M. P. Joy, "Spectral Properties and Synchronization in Coupled Map Lattices," Physical Review E 65 (2002): 016201 = nlin.CD/0110037 [*]Deok-Sun Lee, "Synchronization transition in scale-free networks: clusters of synchrony", cond-mat/0410635 [*]Ivano Lodato, Stefano Boccaletti and Vito Latora, "Synchronization Properties of Network Motifs", physics/0609126 [*]M. S. O. Massunaga and M. Bahiana, "Synchronization in large populations of limit cycle oscillators with long-range interactions," cond-mat/0201508 [*]Manuel A. Matias, "Synchronization in Complex Networks: a Comment on two recent PRL papers", cond-mat/0507471 [*]Patrick N. McGraw and Michael Menzinger, "Clustering and Synchronization of Oscillator Networks", cond-mat/0501663 = Physical Review E 72 (2005): 015101 ["in scale-free networks, clustering promotes the synchronization of the most connected nodes (hubs) even though it inhibits global synchronization"] [*]Yamir Moreno and Amalio E. Pacheco, "Synchronization of Phase Oscillators in Scale-Free Networks", cond-mat/0401266 [*]Adilson E. Motter, Changsong Zhou and Juergen Kurths, "Enhancing complex-network synchronization", cond-mat/0406207 [*]Takashi Nishikawa, Adilson E. Motter, Ying-Cheng Lai and Frank C. Hoppensteadt, "Heterogeneity in oscillator networks: Are smaller worlds easier to synchronize?" cond-mat/0306625 [*]E. Oh, K. Rho, H. Hong and B. Kahng, "Modular synchronization in complex networks", cond-mat/0408202 [*]Juan G. Restrepo, Edward Ott and Brian R. Hunt [*]"Spatial Patterns of Desynchronization Bursts in Networks", nlin.CD/0401007 [*]"Emergence of Coherence in Complex Networks of Heterogeneous Dynamical Systems", Physical Review Letters 96 (2006): 254103 = cond-mat/0601639 [*]Marc Timme, "Revealing Network Connectivity From Dynamics", cond-mat/0610188

[ 本帖最后由 skywm 于 2007-2-8 21:44 编辑 ]

fang 发表于 2007-4-21 17:33

??? Error: File: d:\MATLAB7\work\scalefree.m Line: 73 Column: 30
Illegal use of reserved keyword "for".

gghhjj 发表于 2007-4-23 07:37

原帖由 fang 于 2007-4-21 17:33 发表
??? Error: File: d:MATLAB7workscalefree.m Line: 73 Column: 30
Illegal use of reserved keyword "for".


xicheng_wu 发表于 2007-4-23 13:40

有没有仿真small-world 的程序啊,想看看

gghhjj 发表于 2007-4-25 01:48

原帖由 xicheng_wu 于 2007-4-23 13:40 发表
有没有仿真small-world 的程序啊,想看看


fang 发表于 2007-9-13 09:22

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