那不那不几家 发表于 2017-6-13 11:00

2017第二届设计、机械和材料工程国际会议(D2ME 2017)


       Welcome to the official website of 2017 2nd International Conference on Design, Mechanical and Material Engineering (D2ME 2017) .

  D2ME 2017 is co-organized by Swinburne University of Technology and Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers, supported by Southwest Jiaotong University. The conference will be held at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, from September 14-16, 2017 ! D2ME 2016 was successfully held at Auckland in 2016.

  The conference is an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Design, Mechanical and Material Engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. We warmly welcome prospected authors submit your new research papers to D2ME 2017, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world.


       Material Engineering
  Material Science and Processing
  Engineering Materials
  Nanomaterial Engineering
  Engineering materials (metals & alloys, ceramics, poltmers, composites)
  Biomaterials and implants
  Nanomaterials and nanotechnology
  Surface engineering (coating, thin films, wear)
  Functional materials
  Materials characterization and testing
  Mechanics of materials
  Materials processing and applications
  Modelling and simulations
  Microstructure-properties relationship
  Material for low carbon building
  Key materials for fuel cells
  Materials for primary battery and secondary battery
  Synthetic degradable materials
  Waste materials disposal and reuse
  Synthesis of environmental catalytic materials

  Design Engineering
  Design Methodology
  Design and Development
  Design and Production
  Accuracy and Measurement

  Design Education

  Mechanical Engineering
  Dynamical Systems
  Dynamics and Vibration
  Energy Engineering and Management
  Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
  Fatigue and Fracture
  Fluid Dynamics
  Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
  Fluids Engineering
  Fuels and Combustion
  Heat and Mass Transfer
  Heat Transfer
  Instrumentation and Control
  Internal Combustion Engines
  Machinery and Machine Design
  Manufacturing and Production Processes
  Mechanical Design
  Acoustics and Noise Control
  Advanced and Digital Manufacturing
  Noise and Vibration
  Nonlinear Dynamics
  Plasticity Mechanics
  Precision mechanics,mechatronics
  Production Technology
  Computational Mechanics

  Construction Technology



  Prof. Chen Zhan,奥克兰理工大学,新西兰 新西兰材料协会会员,奥克兰大学工学部教授,致力于金属添加剂制造(AM),电子束熔化和选择性激光熔化技术。出版刊物120余篇。

  Prof.Gong Hao,新加坡国立大学,新加坡 致力于电子功能和可持续能源材料薄膜、纳米结构领域,出版了各类材料学刊物。

  Prof. LAU Kin Tak Alan,斯威本科技大学,澳大利亚 欧洲科学与艺术学院院士 研究领域主要集中在复合材料,其中包括生物复合材料,智能复合材料和纳米复合材料,出版了超过250篇文章,编辑了6本书,曾获2002国家科学研究所青年科学家奖,2009国际厄内斯特L.博耶国际卓越教学奖,2013国家UGC教学优秀奖。
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