2017第二届功能材料国际会议(ICAFM 2017)
会议简介:2017 The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2017), will be held in Los Angeles, United States during August 4-6, 2017.
In the present century, there is a tremendous growth of each and every field of Advanced Functional Materials. ICAFM 2017 aimed at promoting research worldwide and publishes basic and advanced research work from all branches of Physics, Applied Surface Sciences, Crystal growth, High energy density physics, Materials Chemistry and Physics with its functions, Solid state sciences, Solid state electronics, Solid state communications, Non linear Physics, Surface coatings & technology, Progress in Surface Sciences, Solar cells applications, Sensors applications, Thin solid films, Thin film applications, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, Material Science and all general sciences by IBU Impressions.
Practical experiences and experimental efforts from both industry and academia, duly documenting the lessons learned from testbeds, field-trials, or real deployments, are welcome!
Non ferrous metal material
Iron and steel
High strength alloys
Materials processing and handling
Micro/Nano materials
Optical, Electronic, Magnetic materials
Carbon based materials
Metallurgical science
Metallurgical fundamentals and techniques
New functional materials
Building materials
New energy materials
Environmental friendly materials
Earthquake materials and design
Smart and intelligent materials
Intelligent materials systems
Polymeric materials
Thin films
Mechanical behavior and fracture
Tool testing and evaluation of materials
Processing technology for functional materials
Function test and evaluation technology for material analysis