Reginald 发表于 2016-6-1 09:39


      Naval Archiecture and Ocean Engineering covers a wide range of knowledge and emphasizes both theory and practice. It combines scientific principles, innovation, imagination, temperead bu fundamentals of mathematics, physics, mechanics, oceanography, etc. New concepts, technologies and methodologies on the subject are constantly emerging. Since 2009 the International Summer School on Naval Architecture,Ocean Engineering and Mechanics has provided a valuable learning and communicating opportunity for students to broaden the vision and enrich the experience. It has built a good experience. It has built a good reputation among scholars, researchers and students in the related fields.

      Based on its international and interdisciplinary background, we hope to build a good platform for participants to get insights of the latest trends,to enrich the knowledge on the subjects, to network with other professionals, and to have deep understanding of our school culture as well as the culture in Shanghai and China. The lectures, seminars and social activities can imspire the students initiatives and creativities. In addition, the summer school will also enhance the branding of Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration and boost the talent development and internationalization of teaching, which contributes to our goal of creative talent cultivation reform.

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查看完整版本: 2016年船舶海洋工程与力学国际暑期学校报名通知