lbtv 发表于 2014-6-19 21:50


本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-8-25 10:39 编辑


lbtv 发表于 2014-6-20 08:28


ncut323 发表于 2014-6-20 09:03


lbtv 发表于 2014-6-25 10:49

本帖最后由 lbtv 于 2014-6-25 10:55 编辑

The torque adjustment coupling as shown in Fig. connects the two shafts into one axle. The ends of the axle are connected with two pinions. The torque in the gear test equipment may be adjusted by shifting the relative phase of the elements in the coupling.The advantage of utilizing this coupling is explained in details as follows.In conventional gear test experiment, the torque on gears is given by external loading,such as a magnetic brake. In that method, the motor has to be carefully controlled for di

lbtv 发表于 2014-6-25 10:56

本帖最后由 lbtv 于 2014-6-25 11:22 编辑

The torque loading does not change once the two pieces of the torque adjustment coupling is frmly locked. The torque is locked in the shaft loop, and keeps constant for any motor speeds. This arrangement does not need any external load and reduces the complexity of designing the driving system. It has been the most reliable approach for investigating and testing a gear system.求解释这里所说的转矩加载没咋看懂


cumthx 发表于 2014-9-4 20:37


gudanyuzhou 发表于 2014-9-4 21:48


Sea_LZQ 发表于 2017-5-4 21:02


Apologize 发表于 2017-5-5 09:06

我們起初對輸出端采取機械和電磁抱閘的形式對輸出端進行加載,效果不好,首先因齒輪箱為增速的,輸出轉速較高。使用時,產生摩擦熱較大,且具體加載值無法確定,測得結果不準確。後來,我們改用磁粉制動器對輸出端進行加載,效果很好,操作方便且測值準確。磁粉制動器是根據電磁原理和利用磁粉傳遞轉矩的,它具有激磁電流和傳遞轉矩基本成線性關系,在同滑差無關的情況下能夠傳遞一定的轉矩,響應速度快、結構簡單等優點,是一種多用途、性能優越的自動控制元件,廣泛應用於各種機械中不 同目的的制動、加載等。
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