whpsoft 发表于 2006-4-16 10:46

100万网格用windows 工作站计算是否能行?

100万网格模型计算时总是提示 <BR>error: 1000000: allocalate   11.91MB memory<BR>error: object()<BR><BR>这是什么意思?是说内存不足么?100万网格大概需要什么样的机器计算才行啊(最低配置)

wangxyln 发表于 2006-4-16 11:04


whpsoft 发表于 2006-4-16 16:45


whpsoft 发表于 2006-4-17 00:31

Fluent 这错误信息指的是什么意思?望指点!!!

<P>Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Velocity Prime, size 20987904, t 2, myid 1000000.</P>
<P>Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Sum Ap Velocity Prime, size 20987904, t 2, myid 1000000.</P>
<P>Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc pp piso, size 19973736, t 17, myid 1000000.</P>
<P>Error: <BR>FLUENT received fatal signal (ACCESS_VIOLATION)<BR>1. Note exact events leading to error.<BR>2. Save case/data under new name.<BR>3. Exit program and restart to continue.<BR>4. Report error to your distributor.<BR>Error Object: ()</P>

toben 发表于 2006-7-6 10:20


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